IT - Genium INET Fixed Income Market Wide Acceptance Tests (103/11)


We will offer two additional non-mandatory MWATs the coming weeks.

MWAT4 will take place on the 31st of May, 18:00-20:00 CET. The schedules and activities will be similar to MWAT3 except for the Danish Bond market that will open in the morning. (Pretrade at 07:00 and Trading from 08:30 CET) There will then be no opening calls in the Danish markets when starting the MWAT at 18:00.

MWAT5 will take place on the 9th of June, 18:00-20:00 CET. The schedules and activities will be similar to MWAT3 except for the Danish Bond market that will open in the morning. (Pretrade at 07:00 and Trading from 08:30 CET)

All related updated MWAT documents can be found at


Updated: Market model

A new version of the Genium INET Fixed Income Market model 1.8 document together with its release notes have been published at


Reminder: Trading workstation

The launch candidate for Trading Workstation version was released on Wednesday May 25th. You can find the Genium INET Trading Workstation (v1.6855) at where you also can find the User guide and latest Release notes.


Reminder: Requests for Production access, FIX and source IP validation

Please send in your registration forms found under “Launch preparation” section at for your production setup to , if you have not already done so.


Questions regarding this IT-notice should be directed to:


Per Fröling                                                      Fredrik von Platen

Market Readiness Fixed Income                    Fixed Income              

+46 8 405 64 34                                             +46 8 405 64 39


Best regards,




IT_Exchange_Notice_10311 MWAT REMINDER 7.pdf