Holdingselskabet af 1958 A/S - still on the observation list

Holdingselskabet af 1958 A/S – still on the observation list

Holdingselskabet af 1958 A/S (formerly Bonusbanken) was transferred to the observation list with effect from 6 October 2008.

At the extraordinary general meeting on 31 May 2011 in Holdingselskabet af 1958 A/S, it was decided to change Holdingselskabet’s activities by contribution of the activities of DK Company A/S.

Subsequently, NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S has decided that the company shall remain on the observation list since the company after the contribution of the activities from DK Company A/S does not comply with section. 2.3.7 regarding liquidity and distribution in the exchange's listing requirements.

It is expected that the company will carry out an offering of shares before the end of February 2012 and that the company subsequently will meet the listing requirement.

If the company against expectations does not meet the listing requirement by the end of February 2012, the exchange will make an assessment as to the continued listing of the company on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen. Thus, the exchange can find it necessary to delist the company.


ISIN                             Name

DK0010302488           Holdingselskabet af 1958


For further information, please contact: Jakob Kaule, Surveillance, tel. +45 33 93 33 66



Holdingselskabet - fortsat overfrsel - DK.pdf