May 2011 Traffic Performance



In May 2011, Finnair traffic measured in Revenue Passenger Kilometres rose by 7.4% compared with May 2010. Capacity measured in Available Seat Kilometres grew by 9.2%, 10.1% in Asian traffic. Due to Asian traffic growth, European feeder traffic capacity was also boosted by, among other things, increasing the share of traffic operated with larger aircraft. In addition, two Embraer 190 aircraft joined the fleet earlier this year.

Long-haul business travel demand has developed positively and business class travel grew in May, particularly in Asian traffic. Finnair began daily scheduled flights to Singapore on May 30 and now operates schedule flights to ten Far Eastern destinations. 

Demand in traffic to Japan is still below normal levels, but business travel to Japan is recovering. Travel directed from Japan to Europe is on a good level. On average, approximately 70% of passengers travelling on Finnair’s Japan routes annually are Japanese.

In North American traffic, direct scheduled flights to Toronto began on May 26. The route was previously served by leisure flights in the summer season. Finnair flies to Toronto five times per week.

The current overcapacity in the domestic traffic is reflected in lower load factors compared to previous year. The capacity change in Finnair’s domestic traffic is mainly due to changes in a feeder-traffic purchase agreement concluded with Finnish Commuter Airlines. As a result, flights previously operated with Finncomm codes have been included in Finnair’s 2011 production.

From the beginning of the summer season some of the previous leisure flights have been operated as scheduled services. The capacity change in Finnair’s leisure traffic results mainly from these changes.

The ash cloud caused by the Grímsvötn volcano in Iceland did not have a significant effect on Finnair traffic in May. Some flights to northern Germany, however, were cancelled due to the closure of destination airports, and some long-haul flights were slightly delayed due to routing changes. Despite these reroutings, the arrival punctuality of Finnair flights in May was good: 88.9% (87.4%) of all flights arrived on schedule. The arrival punctuality of scheduled flights was 89.4% (88.5%).




  May 2011 %-CHANGE January-May 2011 %-CHANGE
Passengers 1000 660,3 12,1 3 200,2 11,5
Available seat kilometres mill 2 277,7 9,2 11 993,9 16,4
Revenue passenger kilometres mill 1 583,6 7,4 8 559,4 8,2
Passenger load factor % 69,5 -1,2 p 71,4 -5,5 p
Cargo tonnes total 10 670,7 -4,5 56 239,8 29,6
Available tonne kilometres mill 344,4 8,0 1 837,2 22,7
Revenue tonne-kilometres mill 206,7 3,5 1 109,8 14,7
Overall load factor % 60,0 -2,6 p 60,4 -4,2 p
Passengers 1000 616,8 16,1 2 879,1 14,6
Available seat kilometres mill 2 127,5 13,3 10 211,3 21,2
Revenue passenger kilometres mill 1 463,2 12,0 6 979,4 11,8
Passenger load factor % 68,8 -0,8 p 68,4 -5,7 p
Passengers 1000 369,5 15,5 1 560,5 12,8
Available seat kilometres mill 797,3 15,6 3 439,8 18,5
Revenue passenger kilometres mill 519,2 16,9 2 163,3 13,3
Passenger load factor % 65,1 0,7 p 62,9 -2,8 p
Passengers 1000 14,9 4,1 63,8 14,1
Available seat kilometres mill 130,5 7,4 550,6 13,4
Revenue passenger kilometres mill 98,5 4,1 421,3 14,1
Passenger load factor % 75,4 -2,3 p 76,5 0,5 p
Passengers 1000 108,7 10,1 549,4 10,1
Available seat kilometres mill 1 087,6 10,6 5 521,1 22,6
Revenue passenger kilometres mill 792,2 9,8 4 029,0 10,6
Passenger load factor % 72,8 -0,5 p 73,0 -7,9 p
Passengers 1000 123,7 25,9 705,4 23,0
Available seat kilometres mill 112,1 34,7 699,8 30,9
Revenue passenger kilometres mill 53,3 15,7 365,9 14,4
Passenger load factor % 47,5 -7,8 p 52,3 -7,5 p
Passengers 1000 43,5 -24,9 321,1 -10,4
Available seat kilometres mill 150,2 -27,5 1 782,7 -4,9
Revenue passenger kilometres mill 120,3 -28,5 1 579,9 -5,6
Passenger load factor % 80,1 -1,2 p 88,6 -0,6 p
Cargo scheduled traffic total tonnes 9 360,8 -5,2 45 756,0 10,4
Europe tonnes 1 892,5 -8,0 9 276,6 15,4
North Atlantic tonnes 696,5 -8,1 3 591,3 5,9
Asia tonnes 6 565,2 -4,6 31 911,4 9,7
Domestic tonnes 206,5 12,1 976,7 4,5
Cargo leisure traffic tonnes 0,1 -99,8 210,8 -70,9
Cargo flights tonnes 1 309,9 6,3 10 272,9 733,5
Cargo tonnes total 10 670,7 -4,5 56 239,8 29,6
Available tonne kilometres* mill 94,7 9,0 533,5 52,3
Revenue tonne kilometres mill 64,9 -4,0 343,1 32,5
Cargo load factor* % 68,5 -9,3 p 64,3 -9,6 p
- North-Atlantic cargo load factor* % 77,2 -8,3 p 84,5 -5,3 p
- Asia cargo load factor* % 83,0 -11,8 p 79,4 -8,1 p


- * = Operational calculatory capacity
- Change %: Change compared to the figures of the respective periods in the previous year (p = percentage points)
- Available seat kilometres, ASK: Total number of seats available, multiplied by the number of kilometres flown
- Revenue passenger kilometres, RPK: Number of revenue passengers carried, multiplied by kilometres flown
- Passenger load factor: Share of revenue passenger kilometres of available seat kilometres
- Available tonne kilometres, ATK: Number of tonnes of capacity for carriage of passengers, cargo and mail, multiplied by kilometres flown
- Revenue tonne kilometres, RTK: Total revenue load consisting of passengers, cargo and mail, multiplied by kilometres flown
- Overall load factor: Share of revenue tonne kilometres of available tonne kilometres


The next traffic statistics will be published on July 7, 2011.


Finnair Plc


Further information:

Erno Hildén, Chief Financial Officer,
tel. +358 9 818 8550

Arja Suominen, Senior Vice President, Communications and Corporate Responsibility
tel. +358 9 818 4028

Kati Kaksonen, Investor Relations Officer
tel. +358 9 818 2780