Genium INET Fixed Income Launch Preparations and Launch Weekend Plan - Reminder (113/11)

Genium INET Fixed Income will be launched on the 20th of June 2011. This IT notice contains a reminder of the launch preparation activities, including the launch weekend plan and the rollback framework.

Participants should verify the connectivity and production accounts and passwords towards NASDAQ OMX Genium INET production environment.

Please report your results to

If you need any final comparison made between your participant ID in Ext2 and Production, please mail

Weekend launch plan

Rollback framework

Trade reporting on 17th of June

Your Genium INET Fixed Income project manager is regarded as the launch manager. If you want additional people being included in the Exchange launch communications, please send the contacts to including e-mail address, phone number and name.

Additional activities and plans will be updated through IT Notices, if needed.


Final Reminder for Source IPs, passwords and FIX sessions:

You need to specify, if you have not already done so, the source IP addresses used for your upcoming production environments:

You also need to order production FIX sessions and production passwords as they will not be migrated over from Ext2:

Use the forms to fill in your needs for production setup, and mail them to


Launch Preparations

Week of June 13 – Launch week

Participants should verify the connectivity and production accounts and passwords towards NASDAQ OMX Genium INET production environment.

Please report your results to

Production will be open for login tests during launch week, with normal login hours. All Fixed Income markets will be closed, no trading will be available. In case login tests are not possible from your production environment until Saturday launch weekend, please ensure at least connectivity tests (telnet) are done for all applicable protocols.


Launch Weekend initiated Friday June 17th

A summary of the activities and timeline is outlined below; the detailed presentation is published on the member web.

In the morning of Friday June 17th NASDAQ OMX will publish an IT-notice and send email to all contacts about the migration initiated after SAXESS production closing Friday evening.

After the closing of the markets the launch preparations will be started and evening jobs will be initiated. Please note, the SAXESS production and SAXESS test environments will be shut down after the fixed income market closes Friday evening, and will not open again.

All long dated orders will be flushed and needs to be re-inserted by the members Monday June 20th.

Members, Market Data Vendors, Service Bureaus and Data Centers should initiate their migration activities according to their launch plans.


Saturday June 18 – Confidence Test

At 11.00 CET on Saturday June 18, NASDAQ OMX will have completed the migration and open the production environment for connectivity and reference data download. A message to start the Genium INET Nordic confidence test will be sent to all member contacts as well as an IT notice that will be published, and the web will be updated.

Members and Data Centers should connect and login with all applicable applications and download reference data to prepare for Monday morning. All markets will be in closed state. The confidence test should be completed latest by 15.00 CET.

After a completed and successful confidence test each member should send an email to geniuminet@nasdaqomx.comwith a confirmation, with your User IDs used, that confidence test has been completed and that the member is ready to go live.

NASDAQ OMX will use the time after 15.00 CET to compile all member confirmations, solve any remaining connectivity issues and make the decision to proceed and go live. NASDAQ OMX will not close the system for connectivity until this process has been completed.

Latest 17.00 CET NASDAQ OMX will send a message to the contact mail list, an IT notice will be published and the web will be updated to confirm that the migration has been completed and NASDAQ OMX and members are ready to go live on Monday morning.

Genium INET Fixed Income will be available for logins no later than 05:30 CET on Monday in case of a successful migration, as any normal production day.


Sunday June 19 – No activities – reserved for roll back

Sunday June 19 is reserved in case a roll back scenario is necessary. In case a roll back is necessary this will be communicated no later than 17.00 CET on Saturday.

The roll back framework document is published on the member web.


Monday June 20 – Genium INET Nordic Launch

On the launch day the applicable operational routines and schedules will be followed. Information related to the daily operations of Genium INET Fixed Income will be published at

The Genium INET Fixed Income system will open as normal, that is, the same schedules currently applicable for SAXESS production.


Communication during Launch Weekend

For communication NASDAQ OMX will use a combination of e-mail list contacts, Exchange/IT Notices and updates on the Genium INET member web. NASDAQ OMX may also contact individual members for confirmation by mail or phone.

The launch weekend contact and e-mail list contains all contacts earlier received from all Members, Market Data vendors, Service Bureaus and Data Centers. If you want to add people to this list send the contacts for the launch weekend at the latest June 13, to geniuminet@nasdaqomx.comincluding e-mail address, phone number and names.

Subscription services to Exchange and/or IT Notices



Support will be available during the Launch weekend including technical support (, Trade Support and Member Services (

For further information concerning this notice please contact :

Per Fröling
Telephone +46 8 405 6434

Fredrik von Platen
Telephone +46 8 405 6439

Best regards

