More than 95 percent of QPR customers are ready to recommend QPR products

QPR International Customer Satisfaction Survey 2011:

More than 95 percent of QPR customers are ready to recommend QPR products

The QPR Software annual international customer satisfaction survey shows that 95.3 % of respondents are ready to recommend QPR products. The main reasons for this are QPR’s good, reliable, easy to use and good value for money software products: ”The product sells for itself: it is very user friendly, not expensive; performs well”, crystallizes one customer. 

People from 115 organizations all over the world participated in the 2011 International Customer Satisfaction survey. QPR customers’ general willingness to recommend QPR’s products has increased slightly from the previous 2010 survey to 95.3 percent. At that time 92 percent of all respondent were ready to recommend QPR’s products. In addition to the easy to use and high quality products QPR is given credit for the easy interaction with the company:

“I like you guys as a company because you are friendly and easy to deal with. The QPR suite is overall lightweight and easy to get started with”, credits one customer.

According to the survey the four most popular usage areas for QPR products are Business Process Management, Balanced Scorecard, Performance Management and Quality Management. 

The top four rated features in QPR’s software products were “Overall quality of the software”, “Reliability” “Functionality meets your business needs” and “Ease of use”.

“It is a good product. Reliable. Understanding the mechanics of QPR take shorter time and once that is done, turnover is quick for development of the scorecard models. What is important though is understanding of the business and mapping it against what is available in QPR specifically
QPR Scorecards does not require a high learning curve”, one customer comments on the QPR ScoreCard performance management software.

QPR has set “Easy to use products” as one of its quality objectives. Only 13 percent of the respondents found QPR products at least somewhat difficult to use. In QPR’s products Easy to use features were identified in the QPR Portal interface and various issues related to creating new, making changes to the existing or adding new by copying already created.

“Process maps are really easy and fast to create”, confirms one QPR ProcessGuide process management software customer.

QPR Software co-operates with an extensive network of local partners in over 50 countries worldwide.  According to the survey customers’ satisfaction with QPR’s international resellers has increased compared to 2010: almost 40 percent of all respondents were very satisfied with their QPR resellers.

“The team we are working with is very cooperative and available whenever required. The support they provide in assisting us to better utilize the system is good and well presented”, one customer evaluates his local QPR reseller.

In addition to support from resellers new software versions and direct support from QPR itself where rated as top Maintenance and Support areas.

“Very good technical support. Innovative, user friendly software application”, says one customer.

About QPR Software

QPR Software Plc offers the best services and software for developing business processes and enterprise architecture. QPR has more than 1,500 private and public sector customers across the globe in more than 50 countries. QPR’s shares are listed on the NASDAQ OMX Helsinki Ltd.

QPR - Quality. Processes. Results.  

For further information in QPR Software, please contact:

Jyrki Karasvirta,
Vice President, Marketing and Communications
Tel: +358 40 737 2145
E-mail: Jyrki.karasvirta[at]