Notification of significant shareholders' dealings

Nuuk, Greenland, 2011-06-24 21:24 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  

Pursuant to section 29 of the Danish Securities Trading Act, NunaMinerals A/S was today made aware that Nykredit Bank A/S now holds 125,448 shares of 100 DKK each, representing 9,72 % of the issued share capital of NunaMinerals A/S


Anton Christoffersen, Chairman, phone: +299 32 52 10, mobile: +299 55 52 10

Ole Christiansen, CEO, phone: +299 36 20 01, mobile: +299 55 18 57



NunaMinerals A/S is Greenland’s leading company in the exploration of precious and base metals as well as strategic metals. Firmly rooted in Greenland, the company is well positioned to exploit the mineral potential of one of the world’s few remaining unexplored regions. The geology of Greenland has a number of similarities with that of long-established mining countries such as Canada, South Africa and Australia, which all have substantial mineral deposits of gold, platinum, nickel and copper, among other commodities. Setting up partnerships that would bring further technical and financial expertise to the development of the company’s exploration prospects is a key element of NunaMinerals’ business model. NunaMinerals began operations in 1999 and is headquartered in Nuuk, Greenland. The company is listed at NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen A/S under the symbol “NUNA” (Copenhagen: NUNA.CO). For more information, please visit our website: This announcement contains forward-looking statements on NunaMinerals’ future financial developments and financial results as well as other statements that are not historical facts and that may prove to be incorrect. This announcement does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any of the offered shares in any jurisdiction or to any person in which or to whom it is unlawful to make such an offer. This announcement is not for release, publication or distribution in the United States of America, Canada, Australia or Japan. Prospective investors should seek professional investment advice and examine relevant risks and legal aspects, including tax aspects, which could be relevant in connection with an acquisition of the shares.