STOCKMANN plc, Company Announcement 11.7.2011 at 10:00 EET

The Stockmann Group’s revenue in June increased by 13.5 per cent and was EUR 156.0 million.

The Department Store Division’s revenue increased by 17.8 per cent. Revenue was up 6.9 per cent in Finland and 56.9 per cent in international operations. The department stores in Russia performed well and the euro-denominated revenue increased there by 78.7 per cent.

Lindex’s euro-denominated revenue increased by 8.1 per cent; up 10.6 per cent in Finland and 7.8 per cent abroad. The revenue growth continued strongest in Russia.

Seppälä’s revenue was up 11.9 per cent. Revenue in Finland turned into growth by 10.2 per cent. Revenue was up 15.5 per cent abroad and developed particularly well in the Baltic countries.

Revenue (exclusive of VAT) in June 

  6/2011 Change 1-6/2011 Change
  EUR mill. % EUR mill. %
Department Store Division, Finland 60.2 6.9 396.1 5.6
Department Store Division, international operations 24.6 56.9 166.3 42.9
Department Store Division, total 84.9 17.8 562.4 14.4
Lindex, Finland 6.7 10.6 32.1 3.8
Lindex, international operations 49.9 7.8 256.8 10.3
Lindex, total 56.5 8.1 288.9 9.6
Seppälä, Finland 9.6 10.2 42.5 -5.4
Seppälä, international operations 5.0 15.5 23.7 0.5
Seppälä, total 14.6 11.9 66.2 -3.4
Other operations 0.0   0.2  
Operations in Finland, total 76.5 7.6 470.8 4.3
International operations, total 79.5 19.9 446.9 19.9
Stockmann total 156.0 13.5 917.7 11.4

Change-%: change compared with the corresponding period of the previous year.

Further information:
Nora Malin, Corporate Communications Manager, tel.
+358 9 121 3558


Hannu Penttilä


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