IT - Genium INET - Important notice regarding propagated deliveries (140/11)

” On October 10, 2011 NASDAQ OMX will change the handling of premiums and fees for trading and position accounts which will affect the content of propagated deliveries.

The change will affect the content of all propagated deliveries as described below, not only deliveries related to premiums and fees. The below behavior will apply to, for example, mark-to-market settlement deliveries for futures that emanate from a trade propagated to a position account.

The change concerns the content of all broadcasts and queries related to propagated deliveries according to the OMnet API Message Reference.

  • Broadcasts
    • BD18 [Dedicated Delivery BROADCAST]
  • Queries
    • CQ52 [Delivery QUERY]
    • CQ53 [Delivery History QUERY]

For all the above broadcasts and queries the following apply:

  • Customer Account (struct account) is set to the account that the delivery is created from, i.e. the trading account.
  • Delivery Account (struct delivery_account) is set to the account that handles the delivery, i.e. the position account.

If Customer Account and Delivery Account belong to different participants a BD18 broadcast will be distributed to both participants and both participants will be able to query the delivery using CQ52 and CQ53.

It is the account stated in the Delivery Account field that is responsible for handling the delivery.

For detailed information about the above mentioned broadcasts and queries, please refer to the OMnet API Message Reference for NASDAQ OMX Nordic available on the Member Extranet.

The changes are available in External Test System 1 for verification. Members and ISVs handling accounts with propagated deliveries are urged to verify the functionality regarding propagated deliveries well in time for the implementation.”
