CORRECTION: AS Ekspress Grupp: Consolidated Interim Report for the Second Quarter and First Half Year of 2011

Tallinn, Estonia, 2011-08-02 16:16 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  

In the Group’s Consolidated Interim Report for the II quarter and first half year of 2011, published on 1 August 2011,  there was a mistake in the Management Report’s periodicals segment table (page 15) – the EBITDA of Eesti Ajalehed AS in the second quarter of 2010 was incorrect, as well as the sum of intersegment eliminations in the second quarter of 2010.

The EBITDA of Eesti Ajalehed AS in the second quarter of 2010 should have been EUR 266 thousand and the sum of intersegment eliminations in the second quarter of  2010 should have been EUR  -2 thousand .

The mistakes have been corrected in the attached interim reports.

The full corrected release follows:


The following report presents the consolidated financial information of Ekspress Group, the related market developments and management decisions. The financial indicators and ratios show the outcome of the Group’s continuing operations, i.e. they express the consolidated operating results of online media, periodicals and printing services segments.

Key financial indicators


Financial indicators (EUR thousand) Q2 2011 Q2 2010 Change%
For the reporting period      
Sales 14 963 13 454 11%
Gross profit 3 388 3 368 1%
EBITDA 2 024 2 179 -7%
EBITDA (excl. profit from business combinations) 2 024 2 179 -7%
Operating profit 1 134 1 349 -16%
Operating profit (excl. profit from business combinations) 1 134 1 349 -16%
Net profit(loss) from continuing operations 394 669 -41%
Net profit/(loss) for the period 394 669 -41%


Financial indicators (EUR thousand) Half year 2011 Half year 2010 Change%
For the reporting period      
Sales 28 109 25 112 12%
Gross profit 6 005 5 433 11%
EBITDA 4 958 2 912 70%
EBITDA (excl. profit from business combinations) 3 418 2 912 17%
Operating profit 3 230 1 249 159%
Operating profit (excl. profit from business combinations) 1 690 1 249 35%
Net profit(loss) from continuing operations 1 780  (460) 487%
Net profit/(loss) for the period 1 780  (97) 1935%


Financial ratios

Profitability ratios (%) Q2 2011 Q2 2010
Sales growth (%) 11% -4%
Gross margin (%) 23% 25%
EBITDA margin (%) 14% 16%
Operating margin (%) 8% 10%
Net margin (%) 3% 5%
ROA (%) 0% 1%
ROE (%) 1% 2%
Earnings per share EUR 0.01 0.03


Profitability ratios (%) Half year 2011 Half year 2010
Sales growth (%) 12% -8%
Gross margin (%) 21% 22%
EBITDA margin (%) 12% 12%
Operating margin (%) 6% 5%
Net margin (%) 6% 0%
ROA (%) 2% 0%
ROE (%) 6% 0%
Earnings per share EUR 0.06  (0.00)


Formulas used to calculate the financial indicators:

  Sales growth (%)   (sales Q2 2011 – sales Q2 2010) / sales Q2 2010*100
  Gross margin (%)  gross profit/sales*100
  Net margin (%)  net profit/sales*100
  EBITDA margin (%)  EBITDA (excl. profit from business combinations) / sales*100
  Operating margin (%)  operating profit (excl. profit from business combinations)/sales*100
  Earnings per share  net profit/average number of shares
  ROA (%) net profit/average assets *100
  ROE (%) net profit/average equity *100
Financial position ratios (%) 30.06.2011 31.12.2010  
Equity ratio (%) 45% 42%  
Liquidity ratio 0.7 0.8  
Debt to equity ratio (%) 95% 107%  
Debt to capital ratio (%) 45% 47%  

Formulas used to calculate the financial indicators:

Equity ratio (%) equity / (liabilities + equity)* 100
Liquidity ratio current assets/current liabilities
Debt to equity ratio (%) interest bearing liabilities /equity*100
Debt to capital ratio (%) interest-bearing borrowings-cash and bank accounts (net debt)/
(net debt + equity)*100


The key event for the Group in the 2nd quarter was the reorganisation process implemented after the acquisition of Eesti Päevalehe AS which concerned both the product as well as represented an organisational reform involving several entities.

In the 2nd quarter, the net profit of Ekspress Grupp totalled EUR 394 thousand. In the first half year, the Group’s net profit totalled EUR 1.78 million. The results of the both the 2nd quarter as well as the first half year were impacted by several extraordinary activities, with both positive and negative effects on the financial performance. The change in goodwill that was related to the acquisition of the shares of Eesti Päevalehe AS in the amount of EUR 1.54 million had a positive effect on the Group’s net profit. However, in the second quarter, the profit was reduced by the restructuring costs, accrual for a potential claim related to a court case and a full ownership of the currently unprofitable Eesti Päevalehe AS instead of the former 50% ownership as compared to last year.

In the 2nd quarter, the EBITDA totalled EUR 2.024 million, which is 7% lower than a year ago. After normalising the results with extraordinary one-off expenses in the amount of EUR 162 thousand, the normalised EBITDA was 2.186 million which is at the same level as in the same period of last year.

The Group’s EBITDA without profit from business combinations in the first half year totalled EUR 3.418 million which was 17% higher than last year.

The one-off expenses in the 2nd quarter were

  • accrual for a potential claim in the amount of a EUR 60 thousand that was related to the action filed against AS Eesti Ajalehed and AS Delfi and that was lost in the court of first instance. Group entities have decided to appeal the judgement of the court of first instance.
  • redundancy costs in the amount of EUR 100 thousand related to the reorganisation expenses at Eesti Päevalehe AS after the acquisition of ownership interest from the co-shareholder.
  • extraordinary relocation expenses in the amount of EUR 32 thousand related to the relocation of various units of AS Eesti Ajalehed and AS Delfi in conjunction with the reorganisation of the entities.


Most of the expenses related to the reorganisation have been incurred and the steps have been taken, but some expenses can still be incurred in the second half of the year.

It is also important to note that considering the loss of Eesti Päevalehe AS and the gross profit of AS Printall from the printing of Eesti Päevaleht, the Group incurred a loss of ca EUR 30 thousand from the publishing of Eesti Päevaleht in the first half year. The Management Board expects the publishing of Eesti Päevaleht to become profitable for the Group on the consolidated basis.

During the organisational reform, the editorial offices of the newspapers Eesti Ekspress, Eesti Päevaleht and Maaleht as well as that of the portal Delfi were relocated to premises in the former office space of Eesti Päevaleht. The support functions and administrative offices of the entities were relocated to the premises of Eesti Ekspress and Maaleht. During the aforementioned organisational reform, various duplicate positions were made redundant and the lease agreement at the former premises of AS Delfi was terminated. With the relocation of the editorial office into the same premises, the exchange of information between various publications and collaboration relating to the coverage of major events have significantly improved, leading to both cost savings as well as additional value in terms of content.

In addition to the relocation of editorial and administrative offices, the first step involved setting up a book publishing unit as a separate department of AS Eesti Ajalehed, which includes all book publishing operations of the Group’s wholly-owned publishing entities and the next step of which involves setting up a new book publishing entity in the autumn of the current year. A financial services unit was set up at the parent company, which will provide services to the Group’s subsidiaries operating in media business. The objective of both steps is to increase efficiency through cost optimisation and in case of the book publisher, also to increase its competitive advantage. As a structural reform, a separate E-media department was created at AS Eesti Ajalehed with the goal of coordinating digital publishing operations of all publishing entities.

The cost effects achieved during the reorganisation will be evident in the 3rd quarter, but the reorganisation process will likely last until the end of the year.

The newspaper Eesti Päevaleht underwent an important product upgrade in the 2nd quarter. Under the management of the new editor-in-chief Vallo Toomet who had previously been in charge of the editorial team of economic news, a renewed Eesti Päevaleht was developed and launched in a more magazine-like format. The first issue was printed on 4 July. The editor-in-chief of Eesti Ekspress was replaced, the former editor-in-chief of Kuku Raadio Janek Luts became its new editor-in-chief.

In the 2nd quarter, the joint campaign of digital newspapers of Eesti Päevaleht and Eesti Ekspress was launched. As the first step of the campaign, the subscribers of the digital versions of the two newspapers were offered an opportunity to purchase Apple iPad tablet PCs. The success of the campaign was significantly hindered by the availability of tablet PCs, as a result of which we decided to continue with the campaign after resolving the manufacturer’s supply issues. As the second step, the marketing of digital publications of Eesti Päevaleht and Eesti Ekspress for regular PCs was launched. For creation of a digital publication for PCs, AS Eesti Ajalehed has in collaboration with its IT partner developed a software solution which enables to use the product published in iPad also in regular desktop and laptop PCs. AS Eesti Ajalehed plans to market the same software solution to the publishing entities in other countries who use similar newspaper and magazine publishing platform for iPad and the first contacts have already been made.

With regard to the online media segment, the development at Delfi Ukraine is worthwhile mentioning. After the product reform that was conducted at the beginning of the year, during which Delfi Ukraine abandoned its former conservative information portal strategy and launched a concept of more entertaining, mostly tabloidish style social news, the readership of the portal has started to grow steadily and reached new highs in terms of user numbers and pageviews. The sale of advertisements has also been activating, which in the best month of May exceeded EUR 7 thousand. The current trends have made the Group’s Management Board hopeful in terms of continuing improvement of the financial results of Delfi Ukraine. Our objective is to become profitable on monhtly basis by next spring. The agreement between Delfi and the international company Deal24 offering discount deals is also worth mentioning, on the basis of which Delfi will offer vouchers under the trademark of Delfi Deal in all Baltic States in autumn. Delfi also launched an aggregation environment for vouchers in other countries, where advertisements to other companies offering vouchers are sold.  

In the 2nd quarter, as a major product development upgrade, Delfi launched the environments for collection and displaying of entertaining pictures, videos and jokes by users (in Estonia, under the trademark of The integration of Delfi with the environment of Facebook is also worth mentioning, whereby from June, it is possible to read the news posted by the company parallel with the news comments posted by one’s Facebook friends without leaving Delfi.  

With regard to organisational restructuring, AS Ekspress Grupp and AS Eesti Meedia decided to transfer jointly published AS Linnaleht into the ownership and under the management of the joint venture AS SL Õhtuleht. This step should lead to modest cost savings, but also improve the marketing capability.

In June, the joint venture AS Ajakirjade Kirjastus acquired  a 49% minority interest in Uniservice OÜ. This should help the integration of the portal and the magazine Oma Maitse as well as lead to cost optimisation.

The sales process of AS Express Post to AS Eesti Post is still underway, the concerned parties have submitted the required information to the Estonian Competition Authority which is expected to make a decision during the 3rd quarter.

In conformity with the injunction of the Estonian Competition Authority, the Group has also submitted a concentration application in respect of the acquisition of the shares of Eesti Päevalehe AS. The concentration application was not submitted earlier because AS Ekspress Grupp did not acquire control over the other entity during a regular purchase and sales transaction, but through various financing decisions to prevent the Group’s insolvency in a situation in which the co-shareholders did not wish to continue providing financing.

In the next quarter, the Group’s focus will be on the completion of the organisational reform, and development and marketing of digital versions of published newspapers. The Group’s wide product range will provide us an excellent opportunity to offer our customers packages with miscellaneous products, both on paper and in a digital form. We also plan to renew the offer of tablet PCs in a package with the Group’s digital products and actively market the digital newspaper versions developed for PCs.


Overview of the segments


Key financial data of the segments Q2 2010/2011

 (EUR thousand) Sales
  Q2 2011 Q2 2010 Change%
online-media 2 505 2 235 12.1%
periodicals 6 356 6 002 5.9%
printing services 6 998 5 934 17.9%
corporate functions 48 33 45.5%
intersegment eliminations (944) (750) -25.9%
TOTAL 14 963 13 454 11.2%


(EUR thousand) EBITDA
  Q2 2011 Q2 2010 Change%
online-media 534 467 14.3%
periodicals 157 509 -69.2%
printing services 1 551 1 356 14.4%
corporate functions (221) (152) -45.4%
intersegment eliminations 3 (1) 400.0%
TOTAL 2 024 2 179 -7.1%


Key financial data of the segments for the first half year of 2010/2011

 (EUR thousand) Sales
  Half year 2011 Half year 2010 Change%
online-media 4 358 3 776 15.4%
periodicals 11 918 11 316 5.3%
printing services 13 467 11 485 17.3%
corporate functions 74 69 7.2%
intersegment eliminations (1 708) (1 534) -11.3%
TOTAL 28 109 25 112 11.9%


(EUR thousand) EBITDA
  Half year 2011 Half year 2010 Change%
online-media 497 383 29.8%
periodicals 301 402 -25.1%
printing services 3 047 2 569 18.6%
corporate functions 1 105 (439) 351.7%
intersegment eliminations 8 (3) 366.7%
TOTAL 4 958 2 912 70.3%


EBITDA margin Q2 2011 Q2 2010
online-media 21.3% 20.9%
periodicals 2.5% 8.5%
printing services 22.2% 22.9%


EBITDA margin Half year 2011 Half year 2010
online-media 11.4% 10.1%
periodicals 2.5% 3.6%
printing services 22.6% 22.4%

Online-media segment


The online media includes Delfi operations in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Ukraine.


(EUR thousand) Sales
  Q2 2011 Q2 2010 Change%
Delfi Estonia 875 743 17.8%
Delfi Latvia 533 435 22.5%
Delfi Lithuania 1 085 1 035 4.8%
Delfi Ukraine 16 10 60.0%
other Delfi companies 0 15 -100.0%
intersegment eliminations (4) (3) -33.3%
TOTAL 2 505 2 235 12.1%


(EUR thousand) EBITDA
  Q2 2011 Q2 2010 Change%
Delfi Estonia 56 139 -59.7%
Delfi Latvia 38 (30) 226.7%
Delfi Lithuania 306 385 -20.5%
Delfi Ukraine (57) (141) 59.6%
other Delfi companies 191 127 50.4%
intersegment eliminations 1 (12) 108.3%
TOTAL 534 467 14.3%


(EUR thousand) Sales
  Half year 2011 Half year 2010 Change%
Delfi Estonia 1 576 1 328 18.7%
Delfi Latvia 955 788 21.2%
Delfi Lithuania 1 804 1 656 8.9%
Delfi Ukraine 23 11 109.1%
other Delfi companies 0 31 -100.0%
intersegment eliminations 0 (38) 100.0%
TOTAL 4 358 3 776 15.4%


(EUR thousand) EBITDA
  Half year 2011 Half year 2010 Change%
Delfi Estonia 56 178 -68.5%
Delfi Latvia 45 (82) 154.9%
Delfi Lithuania 270 326 -17.2%
Delfi Ukraine (142) (247) 42.5%
other Delfi companies 269 211 27.5%
intersegment eliminations 0 (2) -
TOTAL 497 383 29.8%


In the online media segment, the profitability increased primarily due to the sales growth as compared to last year, whereas the key growth drivers were Delfi Estonia and Delfi Latvia. The Latvian advertising market has clearly turned around and Delfi has nicely benefited from this growth. The sales growth of Delfi Lithuania was modest in the 2nd quarter as compared to last year, the profitability of Delfi Lithuania was reduced by the tax law amendments at the beginning of the year, leading to higher labour costs at the company. Despite lower profitability,  Delfi Lithuania still has the highest EBITDA margin among Delfi entities in the Baltic States. In the 2nd quarter, Delfi Estonia laid emphasis on the integration of the local news portal Eesti Elu and the launch of hyperlocal advertising sales, as well as the sale of advertisements via mobile phones and video advertisements before the videos shown in the portal. We hope to grow our advertising sales in all three areas over the following years.

News portals owned by the Group           

Owner Portal Owner Portal
Delfi Estonia Eesti Ajalehed AS
Delfi Latvia AS SL Õhtuleht Eesti Päevalehe AS
Delfi Lithuania    
Delfi Ukraine    


In the online segment, the content production capability of Delfi is also worthwhile mentioning, a good measure of which is its comparison with the largest UK portals.

In the 2nd quarter of 2011, there were no major changes in terms of the profile and number of readers of online publications. Characteristic of the period at the beginning of the summer, the readership in online environments is in a downward trend, but it is still ten percentage points higher on average than in the same period last year.


Delfi Group is no longer the only media publication with operations in all Baltic States. In the 2nd quarter of 2011,  Eesti Meedia AS acquired the Latvian portal and now owns portals in all Baltic States.


Estonian online readership 2009-2011


In the 2nd quarter, the number of readers of Delfi Estonia increased by ca. 11% as compared to the same period last year.


Latvian online readership 2009-2011


Delfi Latvia continues to be the most visited news portal. Of the competitors, and have almost a third fewer visitors than and this difference has prevailed also in the 2nd quarter of 2011.


Lithuanian online readership 2009-2011


The number of visitors of Lithuanian internet portals has declined the most in the Baltic markets.

In the 2nd quarter of 2011, Delfi Lithuania continued to be the most popular Internet environment in Lithuania and despite the general decline, there were more visitors than in the 2nd quarter of 2010.


Ukrainian online readership 2009-2011


The number of readers of Delfi Ukraine has started to increase again and in the 2nd quarter, there were several weeks with excellent visitor numbers. However, the number of visitors fluctuates significantly more than in the Baltic States, which could lead to much higher readership numbers once the visitors to Delfi sites have been turned into loyal customers. 


Periodicals segment

The periodicals segment includes publishers of newspapers and magazines, the operations of which also include publishing of books. This segment also includes AS Express Post, engaged in home delivery of periodicals.


(EUR thousand) Sales
  Q2 2011 Q2 2010 Change%
Eesti Ajalehed AS 2 031 2 002 1.4%
Eesti Päevalehe AS** 1 272 1 894 -32.8%
SL Õhtuleht AS* 864 886 -2.5%
AS Ajakirjade Kirjastus* 1 074 1 120 -4.1%
UAB Ekspress Leidyba 773 745 3.8%
AS Express Post* 607 592 2.5%
OÜ Uniservice* 5 4 25.0%
intersegment eliminations (270) (1 241) 78.2%
TOTAL 6 356 6 002 5.9%

*Proportionate share of joint ventures

** for the purpose of comparability, the information for both years is shown as 100%.

(EUR thousand) EBITDA
  Q2 2011 Q2 2010 Change%
Eesti Ajalehed AS 129 266 -51.5%
Eesti Päevalehe AS** (332) 5 -6740.0%
SL Õhtuleht AS* 63 102 -38.2%
AS Ajakirjade Kirjastus* 78 47 66.0%
UAB Ekspress Leidyba 44 18 144.4%
AS Express Post* 78 73 6.8%
OÜ Uniservice* 0 0 -
intersegment eliminations 97 (2) -
TOTAL 157 509 -69.1%

*Proportionate share of joint ventures

** for the purpose of comparability, the information for both years is shown as 100%.

(EUR thousand) Sales
  Half year 2011 Half year 2010 Change%
Eesti Ajalehed AS 3 826 3 789 1.0%
Eesti Päevalehe AS** 2 720 3 329 -18.3%
SL Õhtuleht AS* 1 701 1 734 -1.9%
AS Ajakirjade Kirjastus* 2 035 2 136 -4.7%
UAB Ekspress Leidyba 1 428 1 398 2.1%
AS Express Post* 1 209 1 204 0.4%
OÜ Uniservice* 8 6 33.3%
intersegment eliminations (1 009) (2 280) 55.7%
TOTAL 11 918 11 316 5.3%

*Proportionate share of joint ventures

** for the purpose of comparability, the information for both years is shown as 100%.

(EUR thousand) EBITDA
  Half year 2011 Half year 2010 Change%
Eesti Ajalehed AS 306 303 1.0%
Eesti Päevalehe AS** (461) (373) -23.6%
SL Õhtuleht AS* 113 151 -25.2%
AS Ajakirjade Kirjastus* 60 55 9.1%
UAB Ekspress Leidyba 2 (72) 102.8%
AS Express Post* 149 155 -3.9%
OÜ Uniservice* -3 -3 0.0%
intersegment eliminations 135 186 -
TOTAL 301 402 -25.0%

*Proportionate share of joint ventures

** for the purpose of comparability, the information for both years is shown as 100%.

In the 2nd quarter, in addition to the reorganisation of Eesti Päevalehe AS, the results of periodicals were also impacted by higher paper prices, leading to lower profitability of periodicals. For this reason, the results of both AS SL Õhtuleht as well as those of AS Eesti Ajalehed were below last year’s level. Magazine publishers in Estonia and Lithuania have significantly improved their EBITDA as compared to the previous year. The license of the international magazine Cosmopolitan obtained last spring has helped the magazine publisher in Lithuania to significantly increase its market share and profit. In the 2nd quarter, the results of Eesti Päevalehe AS were significantly impacted by one-off write-down of previously published books in the amount of EUR 96 thousand. As the write-down concerned the books in the balance sheet of Eesti Päevalehe AS as of 28.02.2011, which had been used for preparation of the purchase price allocation of the 100% ownership interest at the beginning of March, the purchase price allocation and goodwill were adjusted by the same amount and write-down had no impact on EBITDA. It is important to note, that after the disappearance of election-related advertisements and relatively weak beginning of the quarter, the advertising sales in 2nd quarter remained at the same level as last year, hence, sales are expected to pick up in the second half of the year as compared to last year.


Estonian newspaper circulation 2009-2010


The circulation numbers of Estonian daily newspapers show slight signs of stabilisation and in the 2nd quarter, there were no significant changes in circulation numbers.


Estonian newspaper readership 2009-2011


In the 2nd quarter of 2011, Õhtuleht has noticeably increased its readership. It is a considerable event in the market of newspaper because of the fact that any publication has not managed to increase its readership two quarters sequentially in previous years. 


Ekspress Group Lithuanian magazine readership 2010-2011


The readership of Lithuanian magazines of AS Ekspress Grupp has increased by 6,4% as compared to last period. The readership of all magazines has increased by 7% according to data provided by TNS. Thus the readership of Ekspress Leidyba has increased in the same rate as the readership of all magazines.


Although the readership of Panele has decreased by 16 000, it is still the most readed publication in its segment. Moteris and Tavo Vaikas have the biggest increase in their readership, respectively +17 000 and +4 000.


Printing services segment

All printing services of Ekspress Group are provided by AS Printall which is one of the largest printing company in Estonia. Printall is able to print both newspapers (coldset) and magazines (heatset).


(EUR thousand) Sales
  Q2 2011 Q2 2010 Change%
AS Printall 6 998 5 934 17.9%


(EUR thousand) EBITDA
  Q2 2011 Q2 2010 Change%
AS Printall 1 551 1 356 14.4%


(EUR thousand) Sales
  Half year
Half year 2010 Change%
AS Printall 13 467 11 485 17.3%


(EUR thousand) EBITDA
  Half year 2011 Half year 2010 Change%
AS Printall 3 047 2 569 18.6%


In the printing services segment, the printing company Printall managed to increase its sales by 18% and its profit by 14% as compared to last year. This was achieved through increasing exports to Scandinavia. The share of exports in total sales increased from 64% to 67% in a year. The company has reached its production capacity and the company’s Management Board is preparing an investment plan for adding new production capacity. 


Geographical break-down of printing services

  Q2 2011 Q2 2010 Change%
Exports 67% 63% 24%
Finland 8% 8% 11%
Sweden 19% 19% 16%
Russia 11% 13% -2%
Norway 15% 12% 49%
Denmark 3% 4% -10%
Lithuania 3% 2% 31%
Other exports 9% 5% 105%
Estonia 33% 37% 7%
Total sales 100% 100% 18%
Incl. group sales 15% 18% 2%
Incl. non-group sales 85% 82% 21%


  Half year 2011 Half year 2010 Change%
Exports 67% 63% 24%
Finland 7% 8% 2%
Sweden 19% 19% 19%
Russia 11% 13% -3%
Norway 16% 12% 53%
Denmark 3% 4% 2%
Lithuania 3% 3% 27%
Other exports 8% 5% 99%
Estonia 33% 37% 5%
Total sales 100% 100% 17%
Incl. group sales 15% 18% -2%
Incl. non-group sales 85% 82% 21%


Consolidated statement of financial position (unaudited)

(EUR thousand) 30.06.2011 31.12.2010
Current assets    
Cash and cash equivalents 1 607 2 767
Trade and other receivables 6 522 6 943
Inventories 2 804 2 961
Total 10 933 12 671
Non-current assets held for sale 60 60
Total current assets 10 993 12 731
Non-current assets    
Term deposit 3 021 3 009
Trade and other receivables 153 161
Investments in associates 8 8
Property, plant and equipment 17 762 19 137
Intangible assets 53 357 50 936
Total non-current assets 74 301 73 251
TOTAL ASSETS 85 294 85 982
Current liabilities    
Borrowings 6 252 5 233
Trade and other payables 9 870 10 785
Total current liabilities 16 122 16 018
Non-current liabilities    
Long-term borrowings 30 376 33 053
Other long-term liabilities 0 2
Derivative instruments 281 610
Total non-current liabilities 30 657 33 665
Total liabilities 46 779 49 683
Share capital 17 878 19 044
Share premium 14 277 14 277
Reserves 375 46
Retained earnings 5 846 2 900
Currency translation reserve 139 32
Total equity 38 515 36 299

Consolidated statement of comprehensive income (unaudited)

(EUR thousand) Q2 2011 Q2 2010 Half year 2011 Half year  2010
Sales 14 963 13 454 28 109 25 112
Cost of sales 11 575 10 086 22 104 19 679
Gross profit 3 388 3 368 6 005 5 433
Marketing expenses 509 572 950 1 113
Administrative expenses 1 773 1 510 3 412 3 199
Other income 128 122 1 742 201
incl. profit from business combinations 0 0 1 540 0
Other expenses 100 59 155 73
Operating profit 1 134 1 349 3 230 1 249
Interest income 10 4 20 15
Interest expense 576 694 1 135 1 318
Foreign exchange gains (losses)  (31) 61  (102) 90
Other finance costs 35 36 72 101
Net finance cost  (632)  (665)  (1 289)  (1 314)
Profit/(loss) from investments in associates  (10)  (15)  (11)  (25)
Profit (loss) before income tax 492 669 1 930  (90)
Income tax expense 98 0 150 370
Profit (loss) from continuing operations for the year 394 669 1 780  (460)
Loss from discontinued operations for the year 0 0 0 363
Profit (loss) for the period 394 669 1 780  (97)
Other comprehensive income (expense)        
Currency translation differences 36  (37) 107  (150)
Hedging reserve change 93 0 329 0
Total other comprehensive income (expense) for the period 129  (37) 436  (150)
Comprehensive income for the reporting period 523 632 2 216  (247)
Basic and diluted earnings per share 0,01 0,03 0,06  (0,00)


Consolidated cash flow statement (unaudited)

(EUR thousand) Half year 2011 Half year 2010
Cash flows from operating activities from continuing operations    
Operating profit (loss) for the period 3 230 1 249
Adjustments for:    
Depreciation, amortisation and impairment 1 728 1 661
Profit (-) loss(+) from business combinations (1 540) 0
Profit (loss) on sale and write-downs of property, plant and equipment (7) (3)
Changes in working capital:    
Trade and other receivables (425) (2 525)
Inventories 157 764
Trade and other payables (991) (1 406)
Cash generated from operations 2 125 (260)
Income tax paid (98) (370)
Interest paid (1 246) (1 386)
Net cash generated from operating activities from continuing operations 781 (2 016)
Net cash used in operating activities from discontinued operations 0 (160)
Cash flows from investing activities    
Investments in subsidiaries and joint ventures (26) 0
Proceeds from sale of shares in subsidiaries 0 3 980
Interest received 20 15
Purchase of property, plant and equipment (400) (288)
Proceeds from sale of property, plant and equipment 25 18
Loans granted (16) (4)
Loan repayments received 127 610
Net cash used in investing activities from continuing operations (270) 4 332
Net cash generated from investing activities from discontinued operations 0 0
Cash flows from financing activities from continuing operations    
Issue of shares 0 5 248
Finance lease payments made (611) (678)
Change in overdraft used 583 (2 504)
Proceeds from borrowings 28 116
Repayments of borrowings (1 671) (4 972)
Net cash used in financing activities from continuing operations (1 671) (2 790)
Net cash used in financing activities from discontinued operations 0 (5)
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 2 767 2 553
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 1 607 1 914


         Additional information:
         Gunnar Kobin
         Chairman of the Management Board
         GSM: +372 5188111
