DGAP-News: Commerzbank: Operating profit at EUR 1.2 bn in the first half of 2011

DGAP-News: Commerzbank AG / Key word(s): Quarter Results/Half Year
Commerzbank: Operating profit at EUR 1.2 bn in the first half of 2011

10.08.2011 / 07:01


Commerzbank: Operating profit at EUR 1.2 bn in the first half of 2011

 - Operating profit of the Core Bank at EUR 2.1 bn as of June 30, 2011

 - EUR 760 m impairments on Greek sovereign bonds

 - In the second quarter 2011 operating profit at EUR 55 m 

 - Core Tier 1 ratio as of June 30, 2011 at a comfortable 9.9%, Equity
   Tier 1 ratio 9.1%

 - Blessing: 'We are continuing to pursue our 'Roadmap 2012' strategy

In the first six months of 2011 Commerzbank has made considerable progress.
The Core Bank with the operating segments Private Customers,
Mittelstandsbank, Central & Eastern Europe, as well as Corporates &
Markets, was able to double its operating profit in a year-on-year
comparison (EUR 2.1 billion following EUR 1.1 billion in the first half of
2010). In response to the decisions of the EU special summit in July 2011
the Bank has booked impairments of EUR 760 million on Greek sovereign bonds
already as of June 30, 2011. In this respect, the bonds due after 2020 have
also been taken into consideration. In the first six months of 2011 the
Group's operating profit was EUR 1.2 billion, following on from EUR 1.0
billion in the same period of the previous year. In the second quarter of
2011 the Group posted an operating profit of EUR 55 million (after EUR 243
million in a year-on-year comparison). As a consequence of successful loan
restructurings and the solid economic development, the loan loss provisions
were more than halved in the same period (EUR 278 million following EUR 639
million in the second quarter 2010). The net profit attributable to the
Commerzbank shareholders in the second quarter 2011 was EUR 24 million
(second quarter 2010: EUR 352 million).

'The Core Bank segments performed gratifyingly in the first half of 2011.
Mittelstandsbank benefited from the stable German economy. Corporates &
Markets has - in a challenging environment - posted its best result to date
since the take-over of Dresdner Bank. The Private Customers business
leveraged further synergies resulting from the integration. The positive
trend also continued in the Central & Eastern Europe segment,' said Martin
Blessing, Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors of Commerzbank.
'Against the backdrop of the successful development of our Core Bank we are
continuing to pursue our 'Roadmap 2012' strategy consistently. The targets
set in the year 2009 are still conditional upon stable markets, which we
are presently only seeing to a restricted extent owing to the sovereign
debt crisis. A return to more stable markets is dependent on how the
current crisis develops.'

Further reduction in risk-weighted assets

In the period from April to June 2011 Commerzbank further reduced its
assets as planned. Especially due to the continued portfolio reduction in
the Asset Based Finance segment and in the Portfolio Restructuring Unit,
total assets were lowered by 24%, from EUR 898 billion at the end of June
2010 to EUR 684 billion. The risk-weighted assets declined in the same
period by 18%, to EUR 239 billion. After the successful completion of the
capital measure to largely reduce the silent participations of SoFFin the
Core Tier 1 ratio at the end of June 2011 was at a comfortable 9.9%, the
Equity Tier 1 ratio 9.1%. As at the end of the second quarter 2011 the Bank
had already covered its entire refinancing volume for 2011 despite the
volatile markets.

Net trading income increases considerably

Excluding exit units the net interest income (EUR 1.8 billion) in the
second quarter 2011 has slightly decreased by 2% year-on-year. In terms of
the net commission income a further recovery in customer activity led to an
improvement over the second quarter of 2010, up almost 3% to EUR 928
million. Against the background of rising demand for investment products,
the net trading income increased in the second quarter of 2011 by 82%
year-on-year, to EUR 576 million. The operating expenses were again lowered
in the second quarter of 2011 in a year-on-year comparison (minus 9% to EUR
2.0 billion). The synergies associated with the integration of Dresdner
Bank will continue to be realised as planned. Bank levies in the first six
months of 2011 led to total charges of EUR 9 million.

All segments of the Core Bank with significantly improved result

In Private Customer business the operating profit has increased clearly
over the second quarter 2010, by EUR 66 million to EUR 79 million. Positive
factors here were, above all, the improved interest rate environment and a
clear decrease in loan loss provisions. Mittelstandsbank, with an operating
profit of EUR 501 million (plus 29%, previous year: EUR 388 million), once
again made the largest profit contribution within the Group. The background
to this is, above all, the stable economic development, which led to net
releases in loan loss provisions of EUR 25 million. In addition, there were
positive valuation effects from restructured loans and successes in
business with renewable energies. In the Central & Eastern Europe segment
the operating profit increased in the second quarter of 2011 to EUR 99
million (following on from EUR 7 million in the same period of the previous
year). In the first half of 2011 an operating profit of EUR 177 million was
posted. This development was favoured by further restructuring successes at
Bank Forum as well as the positive development of BRE Bank. The number of
customers in the region has risen in the first six months of 2011 by
158,000 to more than 4.3 million. The extraordinarily strong operating
profit of the Corporates & Markets segment (EUR 281 million following EUR
109 million in the second quarter 2010) reflects the successes of the
customer-oriented business model. In particular as a result of successful
transactions in the Corporate Finance segment and the growing demand for
investment products from the Equity Markets & Commodities segment, gross
revenues increased to EUR 712 million (second quarter 2010: EUR 503
million). Fixed Income & Currencies saw a stable development despite the
uncertainty on the markets.

ABF and PRU continue asset reduction

The operating profit of the Asset Based Finance segment saw charges from
the impairments on Greek sovereign bonds. In addition, the result was
impacted by the consistent reduction in risks and assets. In total, the
investment income in the ABF segment was minus EUR 936 million in the
second quarter 2011 (following minus EUR 158 million in the second quarter
2010). The Exposure at Default in the Public Finance area was EUR 98
billion as of the end of June 2011, following EUR 104 billion as of the end
of March 2011 (minus 5%). In the Portfolio Restructuring Unit the asset
reduction was also continued consistently. The assets were reduced to EUR
11.2 billion, following EUR 12.5 billion as of 31 March 2011 (minus 10%).
The segment was again able to profit from write-ups, posting an operating
profit of EUR 64 million (following EUR 95 million in the second quarter


'The second quarter of 2011 has again shown that we are on the right track.
Our core business is well positioned; it is robust and profitable on a
sustainable basis despite the impact of the European sovereign debt
crisis,' said Eric Strutz, Chief Financial Officer of Commerzbank. 'At
present the markets look likely to stabilise only to a limited extent
because of the sovereign debt crisis. Nevertheless, we are not predicting
any significant repercussions on the Core Bank's business activities for
the 2011 financial year. An operating profit well above the figure achieved
in 2010 is therefore expected. The Group's results will significantly
depend on the following factors: the implementation of the package of
measures to tackle the European sovereign debt crisis, and the absence of
any further escalation of the current situation.'

The Bank plans to continue the reduction in non-strategic assets as well as
securities in the European periphery as foreseen. The loan loss provisions
in 2011 are likely to be less than EUR 1.8 billion. To date Commerzbank had
assumed charges totalling EUR 2.3 billion in this area.

Excerpt from the consolidated profit and loss statement 

In EUR m                                 
                                 H1 2011  Q2 2011  Q1 2011  H1 2010 Q2 2010
Net interest income                3,517    1,790    1,727    3,739   1,853
Provisions for loan losses          -596     -278     -318   -1,283    -639
Net commission income              1,948      928    1,020    1,902     905
Net trading income                 1,095      576      519    1,152     316
Net investment income               -942     -954       12      -59      60
Current income on companies 
accounted for at equity               13       13        -        8       6
Other income                         348       10      338       -8     -30
Operating expenses                 4,184    2,030    2,154    4,437   2,228
Operating profit                   1,199       55    1,144    1,014     243
Impairments of goodwill                -        -        -        -       -
Restructuring expenses                 -        -        -        33     33
Taxes                                137        2      135       -96   -151
Consolidated profit                1,062       53    1,009     1,077    361
Consolidated profit attributable   
to Commerzbank shareholders        1,009       24      985     1,060    352
Cost / income ratio in
operating business (%)              70.0     85.9     59.6      65.9   71.6


From 7:00 a.m. on August 10, 2011 you will be able to access
broadcast-quality video and audio material, including statements from Eric
Strutz, at www.tvservicebox.de or www.getaudio.de.


About Commerzbank 
Commerzbank is a leading bank for private and corporate customers in
Germany. With the segments Private Clients, Mittelstandsbank, Corporates &
Markets, Central & Eastern Europe as well as Asset Based Finance, the Bank
offers its customers an attractive product portfolio, and is a strong
partner for the export-oriented SME sector in Germany and worldwide. With a
future total of some 1,200 branches, Commerzbank has one of the densest
networks of branches among German private banks. It has above 60 sites in
more than 50 countries and serves more than 14 million private clients as
well as 1 million business and corporate clients worldwide. In 2010, it
posted gross revenues of EUR 12.7 billion with some 59,000 employees.


This release contains statements concerning the expected future business of
Commerzbank, efficiency gains and expected synergies, expected growth
prospects and other opportunities for an increase in value of the company
as well as expected future net income per share, restructuring costs and
other financial developments and information. These forward-looking
statements are based on the management's current expectations, estimates
and projections. They are subject to a number of assumptions and involve
known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause
actual results and developments to differ materially from any future
results and developments expressed or implied by such forward-looking
statements. Commerzbank has no obligation to periodically update or release
any revisions to the forward-looking statements contained in this release
to reflect events or circumstances after the date of this release.

Commerzbank AG
Group Communications
Tel.: +49 69 136 - 22830

End of Corporate News


10.08.2011 Dissemination of a Corporate News, transmitted by DGAP - a
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Language:    English                                                    
Company:     Commerzbank AG                                             
             60261 Frankfurt am Main                                    
Phone:       +49 (069) 136 20                                           
Fax:         -                                                          
E-mail:      ir@commerzbank.com                                         
Internet:    www.commerzbank.de                                         
ISIN:        DE0008032004                                               
WKN:         803200                                                     
Listed:      Regulierter Markt in Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt (Prime  
             Standard), Hamburg, Hannover, München, SIX, Stuttgart;     
             Terminbörse EUREX; London                                  
End of News    DGAP News-Service  
135005 10.08.2011