Investeringsinstitutforeningen BankInvest Mix - name change

On general meetings in Investeringsinstitutforeningen BankInvest Mix the name change of the fund to Investeringsinstitutforeningen BankInvest was approved. Furthermore it was decided to change the name of the sub fund BankInvest Mix 70+ cf. below.

The name change will take effect on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen as per 11 August 2011.

Please see the fund’s announcements.

ISIN DK0060089092
Name BankInvest Mix 70+
New name BankInvest Optima 70+
Short name BAIMIX
New short name BAIO70
Orderbook ID 42862


For further information please contact Helene Gaustad Jeppesen, Surveillance, tel. (+45) 33 93 33 66
