Finnair to wear Pink Ribbon in aid of breast cancer research and awareness

Finnair is participating in Pink Ribbon work to promote breast cancer research and improve the provision of advice and information for patients and their relatives. The objective is to collect funds for the Pink Ribbon Fund and to increase awareness of breast cancer. Finnair’s customers will also be able to participate in this work.
“Cancer touches nearly all of us in some way or other. Research is essential so that we can find better care methods and help patients by offering comprehensive information and advice. We want to support the Finnair Cancer Foundation’s important work, and through our own contribution increase Pink Ribbon efforts to promote the visibility and awareness of breast cancer,” says Finnair’s Senior Vice President, Communications and Corporate Responsibility Arja Suominen.
“The Cancer Foundation’s Pink Ribbon campaign is being held for the ninth time. Approximately 55,000 women in Finland have experienced breast cancer. Last year 4,600 women were diagnosed with the disease. The campaign collects funds for breast cancer research in Finland and for the development of advice and information services. We are delighted to welcome Finnair as a partner,” says Harri Vertio, Secretary General of the Finnish Cancer Foundation.
The Pink Ribbon will be particularly visible on Finnair flights and at Helsinki-Vantaa Airport during October 2011. Finnair Plus customers will have the opportunity to participate in the project by donating their points or by acquiring Finnair Plus Pink products sold during October.
“Finnair employees have already demonstrated on many occasions their munificent attitude and desire to help. Now, too, enthusiastic volunteers have come forward from among our personnel to participate in the Pink Ribbon Run as well as other plans and activities,” adds Suominen.

Finnair Plc

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