Helsinki, Finland, 2011-09-07 09:00 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- STOCKMANN plc, Company Announcement 7.9.2011 at 10:00 EET

The Stockmann Group’s preliminary revenue in August increased by 10.8 per cent and was EUR 156.6 million.

The Department Store Division’s revenue increased by 11.4 per cent. Revenue was up 4.4 per cent in Finland and 33.5 per cent in international operations. The strongest growth was again seen in Russia where revenue increased by 45 per cent although the weakening Russian rouble had a negative effect on the euro-denominated revenue.

Lindex had good sales development in all markets where it operates. The euro-denominated revenue increased by 10.9 per cent. The revenue growth was 7.5 per cent in Finland and 11.4 per cent abroad.

Seppälä’s revenue was up 3.2 per cent. Revenue increased by 4.2 per cent in Finland. In international operations revenue was up 1.8 per cent and developed well in the Baltic countries.

Stockmann publishes its August revenue as preliminary figures due to the company’s Capital Markets Day taking place today. There will be no significant changes between the preliminary and final revenue figures for the month.

Preliminary revenue (exclusive of VAT) in August

  8/2011 Change 1-8/2011 Change
  EUR mill. % EUR mill. %
Department Store Division, Finland 63.8 4.4 514.1 5.3
Department Store Division, international operations 25.7 33.5 221.1 42.1
Department Store Division, total 89.5 11.4 735.3 14.2
Lindex, Finland 6.3 7.5 44.6 2.9
Lindex, international operations 48.1 11.4 348.3 9.3
Lindex, total 54.4 10.9 392.9 8.6
Seppälä, Finland 7.7 4.2 59.5 -4.1
Seppälä, international operations 4.9 1.8 33.5 1.8
Seppälä, total 12.6 3.2 92.9 -2.0
Other operations 0.0   0.2  
Operations in Finland, total 77.9 5.1 618.5 4.1
International operations, total 78.7 17.0 602.9 18.9
Stockmann total 156.6 10.8 1 221.3 10.9

Change-%: change compared with the corresponding period of the previous year.

Further information:
Hannu Penttilä, CEO, tel. +358 9 121 5801
Pekka Vähähyyppä, CFO, tel. +358 9 121 3351


Hannu Penttilä

Principal media