Traffic Statistics August 2011

CPH: Passenger record in August

A monthly record was reached at Copenhagen Airport in August with 2,116,128 passengers. This was an increase of 0.7% over the year-earlier period. The year-to-date increase in passenger numbers was 6.9%.

With almost 15,000 more passengers than last year, this was the busiest August ever at Copenhagen Airport. The total number of passengers increased by 0.7% year-on-year, while the number of operations increased by only 0.1%, meaning that the airlines increased their load factors.

“We have set passenger records in five out of the first eight months of the year, and the prospects for 2011 as a whole are therefore very good, and it is still too early to speculate on whether the recent international financial turmoil will dampen growth in the coming period,” said Carsten Nørland, VP, Sales and Marketing for Copenhagen Airport.

The number of international passengers was up by 1.8%, whereas both domestic traffic and the number of transfer passengers were down 8.3%. Overall, 15.2 million passengers used Copenhagen Airport during the first eight months of the year, equivalent to a growth rate of 6.9%.

London continued to be the top destination ahead of Oslo and Stockholm. Helsinki accounted for the highest growth on the Top 10 list with 26.2% more passengers than in August 2010.
