Nomination Committee appointed in Cision AB (publ)

Nomination Committee appointed in Cision AB (publ)


In accordance with the decision taken on Cision's Annual General Meeting
in March 2011, the following have been appointed members of Cision's
Nomination Committee:

Bengt A. Dahl, representing Fairford Holdings Europe AB
Göran Espelund, representing Lannebo Fonder AB
Bertil Villard, representing Cyril Acquisition AB
Stefan Charette, representing Investment AB Öresund
Anders Böös, Chairman in Cision AB

For further information, please contact:
Tosh Bruce-Morgan, CFO, telephone +44 (0)7710 385 006
e-mail: ( 

Cision AB (publ)
P.O. Box 24194
SE-104 51 Stockholm, Sweden
Corp Identity No. SE556027951401
Telephone: 46 (0)8 507 410 00 (
