Fixing of coupon rates effective from 28 September 2011

Effective from 28 September 2011, the coupon rates of the floating-rate bonds below issued by
Nykredit Realkredit A/S will be adjusted.

Bonds with quarterly interest rate setting
The new coupon rates will apply from 28 September 2011 to 28 December 2011:

Uncapped bonds
LU0683852882, (JCB), maturity in 2012, new rate as at 28 September 2011: 2.4350% pa

Fixing of coupon rates effective from 1 October 2011

Effective from 1 October 2011, the coupon rates of the floating-rate bonds below issued by
Nykredit Realkredit A/S will be adjusted.

Bonds with semiannual interest rate setting
The new coupon rates will apply from 1 October 2011 to 31 March 2012:

Uncapped bonds
DK0009778375, (JCB), maturity in 2016, new rate as at 1 October 2011: 2.6025% pa
DK0009781676, (JCB), maturity in 2013, new rate as at 1 October 2011: 2.1625% pa

Bonds with quarterly interest rate setting
The new coupon rates will apply from 1 October 2011 to 31 December 2011:

Uncapped bonds
DK0009765711, (29D), maturity in 2018, new rate as at 1 October 2011: 1.5563% pa
DK0009766446, (49D), maturity in 2038, new rate as at 1 October 2011: 1.3941% pa
DK0009769622, (21E), maturity in 2041, new rate as at 1 October 2011: 1.3941% pa
DK0009770554, (21E), maturity in 2019, new rate as at 1 October 2011: 1.5563% pa
DK0009770984, (49D), maturity in 2019, new rate as at 1 October 2011: 1.3941% pa
DK0009772253, (21E), maturity in 2014, new rate as at 1 October 2011: 1.4448% pa
DK0009779779, (JCB), maturity in 2013, new rate as at 1 October 2011: 2.0250% pa
DK0009781163, (31E), maturity in 2012, new rate as at 1 October 2011: 1.3941% pa
DK0009781320, (31G), maturity in 2012, new rate as at 1 October 2011: 1.5969% pa
DK0009785230, (31H), maturity in 2013, new rate as at 1 October 2011: 1.4752% pa
DK0009785313, (31H), maturity in 2016, new rate as at 1 October 2011: 1.5462% pa
DK0009786048, (31G), maturity in 2013, new rate as at 1 October 2011: 1.7692% pa
LU0516444170, (20D), maturity in 2012, new rate as at 1 October 2011: 1.6577% pa
LU0559431415, (31E), maturity in 2012, new rate as at 1 October 2011: 1.5563% pa
LU0641927529, (31H), maturity in 2013, new rate as at 1 October 2011: 2.0734% pa

Questions may be directed to Henrik Hjortshøj-Nielsen, Executive Vice President, Group Treasury, tel +45 44 55 10 40 or Nels Petersen, Head of Corporate Communications, tel +45 44 55 14 70.

