Report from the Extraordinary General Meeting of Aspiro AB (publ)

Report from the Extraordinary General Meeting of Aspiro AB (publ)

The proposals from the Board of Directors, on authorization for the
Board of Directors to decide on a new share issue and staff stock
options, were approved by Aspiro's Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM),
which was held on Monday, 10 October 2011.

Authorization for the Board of Directors to Decide on a New Share Issue

The EGM approved the Board of Directors' proposal to authorize the Board
of Directors to decide, on one or several occasions before the next
Annual General Meeting, on new share issues with or without preferential
rights of existing shareholders against cash payment, set-off or
contribution in kind, or other conditions. The authorization involves
shares equivalent to maximum 10 % of the share capital. The purpose of
the authorization and the reason to deviate from the preferential rights
of existing shareholders, is to enable acquisitions of companies or
products through payment in shares, but also to ensure suitable capital
contributions to the company to finance the company's operations, and to
enable a broadening of the ownership base of the company. A share issue
may only be made at market price. Other terms are decided by the Board
of Directors, but must be adjusted to the conditions of the market.

Staff Stock Options

The EGM resolved on the proposal of the Board of Directors on a new
staff stock option plan, involving decision on the issue of warrants and
approval of the transfer of warrants and/or shares to employees.

The staff stock option plan will involve a maximum of 5 million options,
with the Chief Executive Officer receiving 20 % of the options, other
members of the corporate management each receiving up to 10 % of the
options, and other key employees (currently about 10 persons) each
receiving up to 5% of the options. The options will be granted free of
charge and may be utilized 1 October - 31 December 2014, provided that
the holder remains an employee of the group. Every option will, at a
price corresponding to 115 % of the share's volume-weighted average
price ten trading days after the EGM, entitle the holder to acquire the
corresponding number of Aspiro shares or options for immediate
subscription of a share in Aspiro. The maximum benefit that may arise
for the employees participating in the option plan shall be not more
than five times the subscription price. Should the benefit be greater,
the employee may not utilize remaining options.

To ensure due fulfillment of the company's commitments relating to the
staff stock option plan, the meeting resolved to issue 5 million
warrants without payment to a wholly owned subsidiary to Aspiro AB on
basically the equivalent terms as the staff stock options. The
subsidiary may, pursuant to the staff stock option plan, transfer the
warrants to employees that have received and utilizes staff stock
options, for immediate subscription of shares in Aspiro AB.

This is information that Aspiro AB (publ) is required to disclose under
the Securities Exchange and Clearing Operations Act and or the Act on
trading in financial instruments. It was released for publication
October 10, 2011 at 12:30 pm.

For more information, please contact: Kristin Castillo Eldnes, Head of
Corporate communication and IR of Aspiro, +47 908 07 389, ( or Gunnar
Sellæg, CEO of Aspiro, +47 901 81 528, (