Regarding the information announced in the press about court judgements

Alytus, Lithuania, 2011-10-12 15:33 CEST (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Company, in response to the information that appeared in the press about the decision of the Vilnius Regional Administrative Court suspending, until a judgement in the administrative case regarding the validity of the resolution of the Competition Council dated 28 September 2011 allowing FR&R Invest to acquire up to 100 % of shares in the Company and of the decision of the Competition Council of the Republic of Lithuania dated 29 September 2011 on considering that the information submitted to the Board of Plass Investments Limited concerning the acquisition of shares in the Company constitutes no grounds for calling into question the Board’s resolution, the validity of the resolution and decision of the Competition Council, hereby informs that today the Company has received the ruling of the Vilnius Regional Administrative Court dated 10 October 2011 and the forwarded certified copy of the complaint filed by the shareholder Plass Investments Limited. The Company is considering the possibility of appealing against the ruling on imposition of interim measures – to suspend the validity of the resolution and decision of the Competition Council pending before the court until the coming into effect of the court decision.

         For additional information, please address the General Manager Paulius Kibiša, tel.: (8 315) 57243