Kopy Goldfields: A directed share issue of 1.000.000 shares (subscription price of SEK 12 for each share) has been fully subscribed

At an extraordinary general meeting on October 17, 2011, in Kopy Goldfields AB (publ), the extraordinary general meeting resolved to approve the decision by the board to make the additional directed share issue, totaling maximum 1.000.000 new shares. The company will receive up to 12 MSEK through the share issue.

The share issues
The board of directors, with the approval at the Extra General Meeting on October 17, 2011 has resolved to make a directed share issue totaling 1.000.000 shares for a subscription price of SEK 12 for each new share.

Eldorado Gold Corporation has, with deviation from the shareholders' preferential right to subscribe for the shares, the right to subscribe for the 1.000.000 new shares.

The share issue of 1.000.000 shares has been fully subscribed for and has been allotted and payment must be made in cash at the latest on 15 November 2011.

The purpose of the share issues and the reason to deviate from the shareholders' preferential right to subscribe for the shares is to collect financing for the company's continuing operations and to increase the spreading of the shareholding in connection therewith and also to reinforce the circle of shareholders with a shareholder which has a significant experience of the industry. The deviation from the shareholders' preferential right to subscribe for the new shares is outweighed by the fact that the new shareholder has the intention to become involved in the company’s business and this will contribute to a continued positive development for the company and it will benefit the current shareholders.

For the complete press release including tables, images and maps see attached document.
För pressmeddelande på svenska se bifogat dokument (Swedish

Stockholm, 18 October 2011

Contact details if you require information:
Kjell Carlsson, Chairman of the board, + 46 70 588 21 49
Mikhail Damrin, CEO, +7 916 808 12 17
Anna Sandgren, Vice CEO IR, +46 709 73 71 31

The following documents can be retrieved from beQuoted
Kopy Goldfields Pressrelease 2011-10-18 (English).pdf
Kopy Goldfields Pressrelease 2011-10-18 (Svenska).pdf

Mer information från beQuoted
Nyhetssida Kopy Goldfields (Swedish)

About Kopy Goldfields AB
Kopy Goldfields AB (publ), listed at NASDAQ OMX First North in Stockholm is a gold exploration company operating in one of the most gold rich areas in the world; Lena Goldfields, Bodaibo, Russia. The company holds 100% of seven bedrock exploration- and production licenses covering 255 sq km. The long term target is to develop a gold exploration and production company with resources of 5Moz supporting annual gold production of 0.2 Moz.

Kopy Goldfields AB reports since June 3, 2011 mineral resources and ore reserves according the internationally accepted JORC- code. SRK Consulting acts as consultant and will approve the JORC reports. Kopy Goldfields AB applies International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), as approved by the European Union. Mangold Fondkommission acts as Certified Adviser and Liquidity Provider, contact number: +46 8-503 015 50.

The share
Ticker: KOPY
Outstanding shares: 8.327.193 
