Interim Report for the period January 1 - September 30, 2011

Interim Report for the period January 1 - September 30, 2011

  · Orders received SEK 42,935 M (40,788)
  · Net sales SEK 34,416 M (34,082)
  · Profit after financial items SEK 729 M (1,207)
  · Profit after tax for the period SEK 544 M (937)
  · Earnings per share SEK 5.00 (8.61)

If you have any questions about the interim report, please contact:
Chief Financial Officer, Ann-Sofie Danielsson, tel:  +46 (0)70-674 07
Investor Relations Manager, Johan Bergman, tel:  +46 (0)8-585 523 53,
+46 (0)70-354 80 35.
