Source: American Medical Association

AMA Supports Allowing Research on Organ Transplantation Between HIV-Infected Individuals

NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 14, 2011 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The American Medical Association (AMA) today voted to support amending a federal law that bars clinical research of HIV-infected organ donation, as a potentially lifesaving measure for people living with HIV infection.

Advances in the medical management of HIV infection coupled with improvements in transplant outcomes could make organ transplantation a viable clinical option for many HIV-infected patients. Despite these scientific advances, the Federal National Organ Transplant Act of 1984 precludes donations of HIV-infected organs, thereby prohibiting investigational studies on a source of organs for HIV-infected patients.

Research is needed to fully evaluate the clinical risks and benefits of organ transplantation between HIV-infected individuals," said AMA Board Member Ardis D. Hoven, M.D. "The new policy adopted today extends the AMA's support for a change in federal law that will permit the necessary scientific investigation."

It is estimated that there are approximately 500-600 potential HIV-infected kidney and liver donors per year in the United States.  Organs from these donors have the potential to save the lives of approximately 1,000 HIV-infected patients each year.

The new policy supporting research on organ transplantation between HIV-infected individuals was adopted today at the AMA's semi-annual policy making meeting in New Orleans.

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Media Contact:
Robert J. Mills
AMA Media Relations
(312) 464-5970

About the American Medical Association (AMA)
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