Studsvik signs contract worth 94.5 MSEK

Studsvik has signed a 7-year contract with EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Limited
worth 13.5 MSEK per year for carrying out materials testing on irradiated fuel
and fuel components from AGR reactors (Advanced Gas cooled Reactors). The
contract may be extended for a further 10 years.

The fuel and materials tests will be carried out at Studsvik's facilities and
are made in support of the safety cases and operation of EDF Energy Nuclear
Generation Limited's UK AGR reactors.

"The agreement with EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Limited is strategically
important to the business of Studsvik's Global Services segment. This Segment is
Studsvik's most research-intensive, with areas such as the development of fuel
optimization software, qualified materials technology competence and consulting
services for nuclear safety. The contract is an acknowledgement of the high
quality of the operations," comments Magnus Arbell, President of Studsvik

"I am pleased that EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Limited have entered into a
long term agreement with Studsvik, further strengthening the relationship in
support of the safe reliable operation of our fleet of power stations", comments
Stuart Crooks, Chief Technical Officer of EDF Energy Nuclear Generation Limited.

For further information please contact:

Magnus Arbell, President, Studsvik Nuclear AB, +46 155 22 10 50 or
+46 760 02 10 50 or
Jerry Ericsson, Acting Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer,
Studsvik AB, +46 155 22 10 32 or +46 760 02 10 32

Facts about Studsvik
Studsvik offers a range of advanced technical services to the international
nuclear power industry in waste treatment, decommissioning, engineering and
services, and operating efficiency. The company has 60 years' experience of
nuclear technology and radiological services. Studsvik is a leading supplier on
a rapidly expanding market. The business is conducted through five segments:
Sweden, United Kingdom, Germany, USA and Global Services. Studsvik has 1 200
employees in 8 countries and the company's shares are listed on NASDAQ OMX

Studsvik is publishing this information pursuant to the Securities Market Act
and/or the Financial Instruments Trading Act. The Information was released for
public disclosure on November 29, 2011 at 07:50 AM CET.

