Change of share capital in Transmode Holding AB November 2011

Stockholm, Sweden - 30 November 2011

Following exercise of warrants in Transmode Holding AB in November 2011, the
number of shares has increased by 191, 232 and the share capital has increased
by SEK 38,246.40. As per 30 November 2011, the company's share capital amounts
to SEK 5, 452, 629.60 and the total number of shares amounts to 27, 263, 148

This information constitutes disclosure of an increase in the number of shares
in accordance with chapter 4 section 9 paragraph 1 of the Swedish Financial
Instruments Trading Act (Sw. lagen om handel med finansiella instrument).

The information in this announcement is required to be disclosed by Transmode
Holding AB under the Swedish Securities Markets Act (Sw. lagen om
värdepappersmarknaden). This information was released for publication at 09:00
AM CET on 30 November 2011.

For more information please contact:

Ola Elmeland
Vice President Marketing & Communications
Transmode Systems AB
Telephone: +46 8 506 882 71

About Transmode
Transmode is a global provider of packet-optical networking solutions that
enable fixed line and mobile network operators to cost effectively address the
capacity needs created by the rapid growth in video and data traffic. These
solutions are important building blocks in next-generation high-speed optical
networks that support services such as broadband backhaul, mobile data backhaul,
video delivery services and cloud computing. Transmode's solutions are based
onWavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) and packet optical transport
technologies, which are designed to increase the capacity, flexibility and
functionality of optical metro core and metro access networks. Transmode's
Intelligent WDM (iWDM(TM)) approach gives key advantages to customers, such as
ultra-low latency, low power consumption and innovative network design.

Transmode is headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden and is listed on the NASDAQ OMX
Stockholm Exchange (TRMO). Since 2000 the company has installed more than
20,000 systems for over 300 fixed and mobile network operators, service
providers, large enterprises and public institutions in over 40 countries across
the globe.

For additional information about Transmode, please visit

