East Capital Explorer AB - Net Asset Value SEK 82 per share on 30 November 2011

  * On 30 November 2011 the net asset value per share in East Capital Explorer
    amounted to EUR 9.07 (corresponding to SEK 82[1]). The total net asset value
    amounted to EUR 308m (corresponding to SEK 2.8bn)
  * The total net asset value (EUR) decreased 2.8 percent compared to 31 October
  * The value of cash, cash equivalents and other short term investments per
    share amounted to EUR 1.19 (SEK 11), corresponding to an aggregate of EUR
    40.5m (SEK 368m). EUR 37m (SEK 333m) of those were available for future
  * During the period 15 September until 30 November, East Capital Explorer
    repurchased 853,878 of its own shares at an average price of SEK 51.65 per
    share, which corresponded to 2.5 percent of the company's outstanding number
    of shares
  * The closing price per share on 30 November 2011 was SEK 53.00 (corresponding
    to EUR 5.83)

Excluding shares held by the company following buy-backs since September, the
number of shares outstanding in East Capital Explorer AB on 30 November 2011 was

This report has not been subject to review by the company's auditors.

The full net asset value report with the portfolio as of 30 November is included
in the attached pdf-file.

Contact information:
Mia Jurke, CEO East Capital Explorer +46 8 505 885 32
Mathias Pedersen, CFO East Capital Explorer +46 8 505 977 48

Financial reporting calendar - East Capital Explorer:
  * Monthly Net Asset Value report on the fifth working day after the end of
    each month
  * Year-end Report 2011, 15 February 2012
  * Annual Report 2011 available in April 2012
  * Annual General Meeting 2012 on 25 April 2012

About East Capital Explorer - East Capital Explorer AB is a Swedish company,
created with the specific aim of bringing unique investment opportunities in
Eastern Europe to a broader investor base. The company invests mainly in East
Capital's alternative investment funds as well as in direct investments into
private and public companies. East Capital Explorer targets fast growing sectors
such as the power utilities, financial, retail and consumer goods and real
estate sectors. East Capital Explorer has appointed East Capital to manage its
investment activities. Since 9 November 2007, East Capital Explorer is listed on
NASDAQ OMX Stockholm, Mid Cap.

This information is disclosed in accordance with the Securities Markets Act, the
Financial Instruments Trading Act and demands made in the exchange rules. It was
released for publication at 07:00 a.m. CET on 7 November 2011.


[1] 1 EUR = 9.09 SEK on 30 November 2011. Source: Bloomberg

