Regarding 2012 year investment plans of the Company

Kaunas, Lithuania, 2011-12-08 15:59 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  The Managing Board of AB “Kauno energija” approved 2012 year investment plan of the Company for the sum of LTL 104,025 million and its financial sources. The plan was agreed by the decision of National Control Commission for Prices and Energy of 30 November 2011 “Regarding 2011 – 2013 year investments of AB “Kauno energija” No O3-406. Depending on the type of activity investments of the plan according to methodology of determination of the heat prices had been allocated as follows: 75,05 % are planned to invest in production, i.e. in using of renewable energy sources (biofuel) in heat production, 23.35 % - in supplies and 1.6 % - in sales.




         Head of Assets Management Department Jovita Sereikienė +370 37 305664