Handelsbanken's core Tier 1 ratio is 14.7 per cent according to EBA's stress test

In the final version of the European Banking Authority's (EBA) stress test
regarding the capitalisation of European banks, the application of the floor
rules has changed from the original proposal.

The change means that low-risk exposures are no longer penalised in the

According to the EBA stress test, Handelsbanken's core Tier 1 ratio is 14.7 per
cent, which exceeds the minimum prescribed level of 9 per cent.

Complete information published in the EBA stress test concerning Handelsbanken
can be found on the Bank's website at www.handelsbanken.se/ireng.

For further information, please contact:

Mikael Hallåker, Head of Investor Relations, tel: +46 (0)8 701 2995, mobile:
+46 (0)70 266 2995

Lars Höglund, Head of Debt Investor Relations, tel: +46 (0)8 701 5170, mobile:
+46 (0)70 345 5170

For more information about Handelsbanken, please go to: www.handelsbanken.com

