Correction of expiration date for certificates issued by Svenska Handelsbanken AB (213/11)

Correction refers to the Expiration Date.

On request of Svenska Handelsbanken AB the expiration date for the following certificates issued by Svenska Handelsbanken AB have been corrected.


Short Name ISIN code Expiration Date
ICUSA4ESHB SE0003917368 2014-05-19
PCOLJA4ESHB SE0003917376 2014-05-19
TCTYS4ESHB SE0003917384 2014-05-19
ICTILLV4ESHB SE0003961614 2014-05-13
KCRAV4FSHB SE0003961622 2014-06-23
PCTYS5ESHB SE0003961630 2015-05-13
KCSVE6ISHB SE0004057834 2016-09-15
ICSVE4ISHB SE0004057842 2014-09-15
KCRAV4ISHB SE0004057859 2014-09-15
CCCLN6LSHB SE0003960335 2016-12-20
KCTILLV4JSHB SE0003960343 2014-10-13
VCSVE4JSHB SE0003960350 2014-10-13
KCSVE6KSHB SE0004200368 2016-11-10
VCSVE4ESHB SE0004200376 2014-05-12
VCTILLV4ESHB SE0004200384 2014-05-12


         For further information concerning this exchange notice please contact Anna Jansson or Eva Norling, telephone +46 8 405 60 00, or
