Cancellation of trades in Investment AB Öresund (125/11)

Börsen har beslutat att makulera samtliga genomförda avslut i Investment AB Öresund (ORES, isin-code: SE0000115610, orderboks-id: 863) som skett under dagen fram till och med klockan 10:30 på grund utav rådande osäkerhet kring värdet utav bolaget. Börsen återkommer med beslut om återupptagande av handel i aktien.

The Exchange has decided to cancel all executed trades in Investment AB Öresund (ORES, isin-code: SE0000115610, order book-id: 863) that occurred during the day until 10:30 pm because out of the prevailing uncertainty about the value of the company. The Exchange will return with a decision on the resumption of trading in the shares.

For further information concerning this exchange notice please contact Trading Suveillance Stockholm, telephone +46 8 405 6290