Global Qualitative Solutions Provider Launches First End-to-End Video-Based Platform to Deliver Consumer-Driven Business Strategies

DUBLIN, Ireland, Jan. 4, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Qualvu, a leading global online asynchronous video qualitative solutions provider, has just launched the first full-service, completely software-driven online market research platform innovating the qualitative research space by bringing global brands and consumers closer through the power of video and providing businesses the first qualitative digital data set. Founded in 2008 with a passion for technology, respect for qualitative research and its role in the world economy, and a mission to radically change the six billion dollar qualitative research category, Qualvu has since become a leader in video-based qualitative research. By taking research out of traditional settings and into the real and candid lives' of consumers, Qualvu has successfully changed the way qualitative research is conducted, with over 1,400 projects in over 30 countries today.

Leveraging an asynchronous video research methodology, Qualvu captures consumers' in the moment – via web cams, pocket cams, pen cams, tablets, smartphones – giving businesses invaluable access to consumers' lives as they unfold. However, while technology plays a key role in capturing consumers' insights, it's Qualvu's software driven, people powered approach to qualitative market research that creates real business value by digitizing data and providing an integrated platform in which truthful video insights can be more efficiently analyzed, organized, and delivered by a team of expert researchers.

"Inevitably, the truth comes through as you watch your consumers' video responses and reactions to your products, marketing campaigns, innovative concepts, or even their environment come through on the platform," says John Williamson, Founder & CEO of Qualvu. "You realize you are watching the wisdom of the most valuable consultants in the world: your consumers. But better data is just the basic ingredient in world-class qualitative research – it is the strategic insights that create true value. And with a team of top-notch researchers, aided by our proprietary and powerful platform, we provide just the insights and guidance that stakeholders need when making strategic business decisions."

From the design stage, which ensures the study's layout aligns with businesses' unique goals and objectives; to the collection stage, which enables consumers to submit their raw video responses through Qualvu's web and mobile platform asynchronously and researchers to watch the footage as it comes through in real time; to the discovery stage, which enables researchers to leverage integrated coding and analysis tools and Qualvu's proprietary select-to-play-or-clip video transcript technology to help turn consumers' insights into breakthrough and actionable intelligence; to the delivery stage, which delivers meaningful insights and accurate recommendations supported by the voice and face of the consumer in the form of an online video report that is easily sharable with key stakeholders – Qualvu connects brands with their truth at a level never before possible.  And when findings are supported by the voice and face of the consumer – there is no room for manipulation or misinterpretation. By providing transparency and collaboration throughout the research process, the Qualvu platform connects businesses' with their truths to guide stakeholders' decision-making.

"The new Qualvu platform has the potential to unleash entirely new paradigms in the level of depth of qualitative research analysis," said Williamson. "Rich consumer digital insights collection is the easy part.  It's how that information is transformed efficiently, consistently, and accurately into business decisions that will create new levels of value in qualitative intelligence. Qualvu's recently launched full-service platform gives businesses access to consumers' insights anywhere, at any time through online video that is supported by searchable, organized transcripts attached to a video report that can be replayed over and over again to ensure spot-on analysis. And through a rigorous, yet efficient data analysis process that leverages the best analysis and coding tools available, Qualvu enables researcher collaboration at every stage – resulting in more objective, accurate, and transparent findings supported by the voice and face of the consumer. By providing deliverables that are saturated in rich consumer insights and actionable recommendations, Qualvu gives businesses strategic value and direction that empowers them to make better business decisions."  

About Qualvu

Qualvu is the future of qualitative research, inspiring business decisions guided by the voice and face of the consumer. Through streamlined video-based technologies, we collect better human intelligence and deliver superior insights that drive decision making. The Qualvu proprietary platform enables multi-language, global research that drives online reports supported by actionable analysis and video highlights. Capturing behavioral and attitudinal feedback from home, work, in-store, and even in-vehicle, Qualvu delivers new levels of human access. Whether via webcams, flip cams, or the Qualvu mobile app, consumers are empowered to share truthfully; and brands are empowered to gain deeper insights, make better decisions, and share key data across the organization. To learn more, visit



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