CSDL registered increased share issue of AB Ukio bankas

AB Ukio bankas, with register code 112020136, address: 25 Maironio str., LT-44250 Kaunas.

On 6 January 2012 Central Securities Depository of Lithuania effected amendments in the AB Ukio bankas securities issue registration account in accordance with the adding of the new LTL 50,000,000 share issue to the share issue of the LTL 295,824,000 valid until now. After the assimilation of issues, the issue of AB Ukio bankas with ISIN code LT0000102352 amounts to 345,824,000 ordinary registered shares.

The shares of the new LTL 50,000,000 issue vested to the shareholders of AB Ukio bankas are transferred to the intermediaries of public trading conducting the accounting of securities accounts of shareholders of AB Ukio bankas.

Chairman – Chief Executive Officer Gintaras Ugianskis, 06 01 2012.

         Marius Arlauskas, Head of Financial Institutions and Fund Raising Department, +370 37 301 332.