Roblon A/S : Preliminary statement for the financial year 2010/11

Preliminary Statement 2010/11

At  their meeting  today, the  Board of  Director´s of  Roblon A/S  approved the
Annual Report for 2010/11 (01.11.2010 - 31.10.2011).


  * In the financial year 2010/11 Roblon A/S realised better revenue and profits
    than expected at the start of the year.

  * The profit before tax was DKK 36.9 million, DKK 5.7 million higher than last
    year's profit of DKK 31.2 million, which corresponds to an increase of

  * The profit after tax rose by DKK 4.1 million to DKK 27.6 million compared to
    DKK 23.5 million last year.

  * The operating profit of DKK 36.4 million was DKK 8.6 million higher than
    last year, which corresponds to an increase of 30.9%.

  * Revenue increased by 11.0% to DKK 223.8 million compared to DKK 201.7
    million last year.

  * Against the background of a strong strategic focus, the second half of the
    financial year 2010/11 was very satisfactory for Roblon, especially within
    machines for the rope industry and the cable industry, and within fibre-
    based products for manufacturers of lighting cables, the development has
    been positive.

  * Under the influence of the global financial uncertainty that characterises
    many markets, Roblon A/S's board considers the profit for the year to be
    very satisfactory.

  * There is a proposed dividend of 70%, which amounts to DKK 25.0 million.

  * From the beginning of the year, Roblon A/S has implemented a comprehensive
    organisational change, the aims of which include improving efficiency and
    creating more flexible decision-making processes, as well as making the
    organisation more customer-oriented.

  * Having previously worked and been structured in three independent divisions,
    work now takes place across the organisation, which now works and functions
    as one unit and company.

  * The new business structure means that Roblon A/S reports all conditions and
    information from 2010/11 in one annual report and as one company. According
    to IFRS, information regarding revenue and contribution margin 1 is this
    year made on two segments.

  * In the financial year 2011/12, revenue is expected to be in the area of DKK
    230 million and profit before tax in the area of DKK 30 million.

Frederikshavn, January 9, 2012

Klaus Kalstrup                 Jens-Ole Sørensen

Chairman of the Board    Managing Director

