Genium INET migration 2/12 Information preparations for MWAT (Jan 19, 2012)

Set-up of collaterals in external test 4 environment

Members that want collaterals set up in the external test 4 environment should contact the clearing market team no later than by incoming Monday Jan 16, 12 CET. This is important for clients that wish to do realistic verification of the SRM reports related to margining calculations.  All members that request for collaterals to be set up by the deadline as above, will be assigned a default base collateral € -100.000,-, guarantee: € 1.000.000,- and Cash: € 500.000,- in external test 4.

Full list of functioning reports can be found on the member extranet under Genium INET for Commodities > Clearing Reports & Applications: Login Details: (Username: omse: Password: member)

Important: MWAT 2 is approaching, due next week 19 January. Please let us know what MWATs you will attend going forward if you have not done so.

Further Support

MemberServices (all login credentials, participant configurations):

Technicalsupport (Technical issues, Trading and Clearing APIs, reporting of disturbances):

Risk management support email during MWAT 2:

Key Account Management / Trading (Trading Workstation, WebTrade):

Clearing (CW2 and SRM reports):

Member Readiness (general questions regarding Genium INET project, registrations to project activities, escalation of project issues):