Seymour Kushner Sees CNN Report on Haiti, Homelessness as Call to Local Action

Activist Seymour Kushner Responds to CNN Report on Homelessness in Haiti, Applauding Relief Efforts and Suggesting That Charitable Actions be Taken in Local Communities in the U.S.

WHITE PLAINS, N.Y., Jan. 23, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Though the earthquake that devastated Haiti happened more than two years ago, the havoc and chaos in the nation has hardly disappeared with time. According to a recent report filed by CNN, the devastation in Haiti still affects many people in a variety of ways. CNN reported that half a million Haitians still live in tents, and 70% of the population has been unable to find regular employment. The article goes on to say that, despite continued plight, humanitarian efforts in Haiti have had immense effect in bolstering the city. The report caught the eye of humanitarian activist and advocate Seymour Kushner, who says the efforts in Haiti are a call for each of us to take action in our own communities.

Though not directly involved with any of the relief efforts in Haiti, Seymour Kushner is no stranger to activism on behalf of the poor, the homeless, and the hungry. Much of his career as a humanitarian worker has been spent serving in soup kitchens and homeless shelters. According to Seymour Kushner, the report on the relief efforts in Haiti provides a model for how charitable actions can look even in the United States.

One finding of the CNN report is especially noteworthy, Seymour Kushner says. CNN observes that, while many big-name activism groups such as Oxfam and the American Red Cross have had strong presence in Haiti, the majority of the humanitarian work has been organized locally and carried out by individuals. According to Seymour Kushner, this is a testament to the importance of grassroots efforts and community involvement in any humanitarian endeavor.

CNN also notes that many humanitarian organizations are creating local opportunities for Haitian community members to become involved. According to Seymour Kushner, this is another example of a tactic that could be implemented in U.S. communities. Providing people with a way to plug in and a direction for how to become involved, the philanthropist says, can go a long way toward generating enthusiasm for charitable activities, a point proven by the CNN report.


Seymour Kushner is a charitable activist and an advocate for working with the poor and the homeless. He has worked on behalf of numerous soup kitchens and homeless shelters, and encouraged civic involvement in community endeavors.


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