Sydbank A/S: New Group Executive Management member

Aabenraa, 2012-01-31 13:10 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

At today’s Board meeting the Board of Directors has appointed the current Head of Sydbank’s Kolding Region, Finn Boel Pedersen, as new member of Sydbank’s Group Executive Management. As of 1 February 2012 Sydbank’s Group Executive Management consists of Karen Frøsig, CEO, Preben L. Hansen, Deputy Group Chief Executive and Finn Boel Pedersen, Deputy Group Chief Executive.

Finn Boel Pedersen, aged 53, has been on Sydbank’s staff since 1976 when he joined the then Aktivbanken as a bank trainee. During his career at the Bank, Finn Boel Pedersen has held positions such as Head of Investment Department in Kolding, Head of Corporate Banking and since 2001 Head of Kolding Region.

Finn Boel Pedersen’s responsibilities in the Group Executive Management will include the Bank’s customer-oriented activities.


Anders Thoustrup       Karen Frøsig

Chairman                    CEO

Board of Directors
