Ringkjøbing Landbobank’s announcement of the annual accounts for 2011

The bank's profit increased by 12% from DKK 338 million to DKK 380 million in 2011. The result is equivalent to a return on equity of 17%, which is considered highly satisfactory in light of the present economic situation in society.


 (million DKK) 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002
Core income 767 758 753 735 696 609 511 417 368 328
Total costs etc. -248 -240 -238 -239 -234 -208 -190 -184 -163 -155
Core earnings before write-downs 519 518 515 496 462 401 321 233 205 173
Write-downs on loans -129 -138 -159 -77 +11 +69 +5 +4 -10 +6
Core earnings 390 380 356 419 473 470 326 237 195 179
Result for portfolio +1 +38 +56 -73 -18 +103 +35 +51 +106 +30
Bank package I and
Deposit Guarantee Fund
-11 -80 -107 -28 0 0 0 0 0 0
Profit before tax 380 338 305 318 455 573 361 288 301 209

The core earnings increased by 3% to DKK 390 million, which is at the top of the upwardly adjusted DKK 350-400 million range. 


Annual report – highlights:

  • Increase of 12% in pre-tax profit from DKK 338 million to DKK 380 million
  • The profit is equivalent to a return on equity of 17% after payment of dividend
  • The rate of costs was computed at 32.4%, still the lowest in the country
  • Substantial increase in deposits of 9% and a fall of 3% in loans, so that they now are in balance
  • Capital adequacy ratio of 21.4, equivalent to cover of 268%
  • Core capital ratio of 19.8%
  • The bank’s market value is DKK 3.3 billion
  • Highly satisfactory increase in customers in both branch network and Private Banking
  • Payment of dividend of DKK 13 per share, equivalent to DKK 66 million
  • Recommendation to the general meeting that 100,000 bought back shares be cancelled
  • Proposal for a new buy-up programme for 100,000 shares, equivalent to approx. DKK 66 million
  • Expectations of core earnings for 2012 in the DKK 300-400 million range
  • The CEO Bent Naur will retire at the end of April 2012

Please do not hesitate to contact the bank’s management if you have any questions.

Yours sincerely,
Ringkjøbing Landbobank
Bent Naur   John Fisker

Management Report


Changes in management

Bent Naur has decided to retire at the end of April 2012 on the occasion of his sixty-fifth birthday. Bent Naur has been CEO of the bank since 1987.

The board of directors has appointed John Bull Fisker as the new CEO as of 1 May 2012. John Bull Fisker is 47 years old and has been an employee of the bank since 1995. John Bull Fisker has been a member of the board of management since 1999.

Jørn Nielsen has been appointed assistant manager of the bank as of 1 March 2012. Jørn Nielsen is 39 years old and has been an employee of the bank since 1993. Jørn Nielsen was appointed credit controller in 1998 and credit manager in 2009.


Core income

Net interest income was DKK 607 million in 2011, an increase of 4% compared to last year.  An upward trend was seen during the year in the net interest income, which derives from the increasing deposit figures and a increasing interest margin. Like the rest of the financial sector, the bank increased the interest margin in 2011. The very low interest level is pulling in the opposite direction as it results in a lower return on the bank’s portfolio of securities and cash resources.

(Million DKK) 4th qtr.    2011        3rd qtr.    2011        2nd qtr.    2011        1st qtr.    2011        4th qtr.    2011        3rd qtr.    2011        2nd qtr.    2011        1st qtr.    2011       
Net interest income 163 154 150 140 139 144 150 150


Fees, commissions and foreign exchange earnings amounted to net DKK 152 million in 2011 against net DKK 167 million in 2010, a fall of 9%. The year was characterised by low trading and conversion activity within securities trading and asset management, and the larger volumes therefore did not result in a corresponding increase in income. The activity on the housing market was also low, with fewer transactions and conversions.

The total core income was 1% higher in 2011, with an increase from DKK 758 million in 2010 to DKK 767 million in 2011.


Costs and depreciations

Total costs including depreciations on tangible assets amounted to DKK 248 million in 2011, 4% higher than last year.

The rate of costs was computed at 32.4%, still the lowest in the country. A low rate of costs is especially important in periods of difficult economic conditions as the bank’s results are thus very robust, which is also reflected in the computation of the bank’s individual solvency requirement.


Write-downs on loans

Write-downs on loans showed a fall of 7% to net DKK 129 million in 2011 against DKK 138 million last year. The write-downs are equivalent to 0.9% of the total average of loans, write-downs, guarantees and provisions. The bank’s customers appear to be coping better with the weak economic conditions than the average in Denmark. The present level of write-downs is considered satisfactory.

The bank’s total account for write-downs and provisions amounted to DKK 650 million at the end of the year, equivalent to 4.5% of total loans and guarantees. Actual write-downs on loans (including interest on the account for write-downs) continue to be low at a mere DKK 43 million, such that the account for write-downs and provisions increased by net DKK 85 million during the year.

The portfolio of loans with zeroed interest amounts to DKK 61 million, equivalent to 0.43% of the bank’s total loans and guarantees at the end of the year. This is at the same level as last year.

Given the low growth in the Danish economy also in 2011, which is expected to continue in 2012, the bank is satisfied with the conservative credit policy on the basis of which the bank has always operated. As a natural part of the economic cycle, the bank’s losses are expected to remain at a relatively high level in 2012, but with a continued slightly downward trend relative to the previous three years. It is also still the bank’s judgment that the credit policy, the diversified loans portfolio and the bank’s location in Central and West Jutland will have a positive effect on the bank compared to the general level of losses in the banking sector as a whole.


Core earnings

(Million DKK) 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002
Total core income 767 758 753 735 696 609 511 417 368 328
Total costs etc. -248 -240 -238 -239 -234 -208 -190 -184 -163 -155
Core earnings before write-downs 519 518 515 496 462 401 321 233 205 173
Write-downs on loans -129 -138 -159 -77 +11 +69 +5 +4 -10 +6
Core earnings 390 380 356 419 473 470 326 237 195 179


Core earnings were DKK 390 million against last year’s DKK 380 million, an increase of 3%. Income in 2011 proved to be so stable that the expectations for core earnings were adjusted upward to the DKK 350-400 million range in October 2011, and the final result is at the top of this range.


Result for the portfolio

The result for the portfolio for 2011 was positive by DKK 1.5 million, including funding costs for the portfolio.

The bank’s holding of shares etc. at the end of the year amounted to DKK 249 million, DKK 12 million of which was in listed shares etc. while DKK 237 million was in sector shares etc. The bond portfolio amounted to DKK 2,756 million, and the great majority of the portfolio consists of AAA-rated Danish mortgage credit bonds and bonds guaranteed by the Danish government, or short-term bank bonds.

The total interest rate risk, computed as the impact on the result of a one percentage point change in the interest level, was 0.7% of the bank’s Tier 1 capital after deduction at the end of the year.

The bank’s total market risk within exposure to interest rate risk, exposure in listed shares etc. and foreign exchange exposure remains at a low level. The bank’s risk of losses calculated on the basis of a value-at-risk model (computed with a 10-day horizon and 99% probability) was as follows in 2011:

  Risk in DKK million Risk relative to equity
end of year in %
Highest risk of loss:
Lowest risk of loss:
Average risk of loss:

The bank’s policy remains to keep the market risk at a low level.


Result after tax

The result after tax was DKK 286 million for the year against DKK 257 million last year.
The result after tax is equivalent to a return on equity of 13% after payment of dividend.


Balance sheet

The bank’s balance sheet total at the end of the year stood at DKK 17,549 million against last year’s DKK 18,247 million. Deposits increased by 9% from DKK 11,662 million to DKK 12,755 million. The bank’s loans decreased by 3% to DKK 12,747 million. The underlying growth in new customers from the branch network and within the niches Private Banking and wind turbine financing remains good. However, the changed consumption pattern with a higher savings ratio and the general trend that many customers are deleveraging are generally resulting in greater repayments on the bank’s existing loans portfolio than previously, and the entire growth in 2011 was therefore used to neutralise these repayments.

The bank’s portfolio of guarantees at the end of the year was DKK 1,052 million against DKK 1,049 million in 2010.



The bank’s liquidity is good, and since the banks loans and deposits are at the same level, we made early repayments in the second half-year of 2011 of long-term loans to the equivalent of DKK 1,063 million to optimise the bank’s liquidity. The excess solvency compared to the statutory requirements was 141%. The bank’s short-term funding with term to maturity of less than 12 months amounts to only DKK 390 million, balanced by DKK 4.1 billion in short-term money market placing, primarily in Danish banks and liquid securities.The bank is thus not dependent on the short-term money market.

The bank’s loans portfolio is more than fully financed by deposits and the bank’s equity. In addition, part of the German loans portfolio for wind turbines was refinanced back-to-back with KFW Bankengruppe, and the DKK 808 million in question can thus be disregarded in terms of liquidity. The bank requires no financing for the coming year to meet the minimum requirement that it must always be able to manage for up to 12 months without access to the financial markets.


The deposit guarantee scheme

Ringkjøbing Landbobank has a liability to the mandatory deposit guarantee scheme in Denmark for rescuing Danish banks. The bank’s share of these losses is 0.6%. Amagerbanken, Fjordbank Mors and Max Bank went bankrupt in 2011, and based on the latest available dividend rates, this cost the bank DKK 11.2 million.


Dividend and share buy-back programme

The bank’s board of directors will recommend to the general meeting that dividend of DKK 13 per share, equivalent to DKK 66 million, be paid for the 2011 financial year. Dividend of DKK 12 was paid in 2010. In addition, 100,000 shares at a value of DKK 61 million were bought up during 2011, and a recommendation will be made to the general meeting to cancel these shares to reduce the number of shares in the bank from 5,040,000 to 4,940,000. 

A proposal will also be made that a new buy-back programme be established for 2012 under which up to 100,000 shares can be bought up for the purpose of cancelling them at a future general meeting. At the current price this authorisation will reduce equity by DKK 64 million.



The bank’s equity at the beginning of 2011 was DKK 2,312 million, to which must be added the profit for the period, and from which must be deducted dividend paid and the value of the bought-back own shares, after which the equity at the end of the year was DKK 2,483 million, an increase of 7%.

The bank’s capital adequacy ratio (Tier 2) was computed at 21.4% at the end of 2011. The core capital ratio (Tier 1) was computed at 19.8%.


Solvency coverage 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007
Core capital ratio excl. hybrid core 18.3 17.1 15.1 11.6 10.0
Core capital ratio 19.8 18.6 16.6 13.0 11.2
Solvency ratio 21.4 22.4 20.2 16.3 13.0
Individual solvency requirement 8.0 8.0 8.0   8.0   8.0
Solvency coverage 268% 280% 253% 204% 163%


The individual solvency requirement for Ringkjøbing Landbobank is calculated at 7,0% because of the bank’s robust business model, and the ratio was thus reported at 8%.


Encouraging increase in customer numbers

The bank implemented several outreach initiatives towards new customers just under two years ago. The basis was the fact that the bank has both the liquidity and the capital to support growth, that we felt comfortable about the bank’s credit facilities, and that our cost structure is suitable for the future. The biggest challenge in times of low growth in society is thus creating growth in the bank’s top line.

The bank’s outreach initiatives will be intensified in 2012, among other things by investing in spreading the bank’s Private Banking platform even further. 

A highly positive increase in customers is currently being seen in the branch network and within the Private Banking segment, with transfer of deposits, pension and securities customers. The growth in lending has been swallowed up by repayments on the loans portfolio. In the bank’s judgment, we are, however, currently enhancing the foundation for future earnings.


Accounting policies and key figures

The accounting policies applied are unchanged relative to the audited annual report presented for 2010.


Expectations for earnings in 2012

The bank’s core earnings for 2011 were DKK 390 million, which is at the top of the upwardly adjusted DKK 350-400 million range.

Ringkjøbing Landbobank has a market share of about 50% in that part of western Jutland in which its old branches are located. The bank also has well-established branches in Herning, Holstebro and Viborg which are still operating positively. The bank’s plan is to retain and develop this section of the customer portfolio with good and competitive products, focusing on employee skills and advising customers of the options in a changeable financial world. Additional customers are expected to be gained in 2012 for the bank’s branches in central and western Jutland as a result of the long-term recruitment initiatives and the consolidation in the sector.

The activities in the bank’s Distance Customer department and niche concepts, including the branch in Holte, are together also expected to continue to develop positively in the forthcoming year despite large repayments on the loans portfolio. The focus will be on servicing of the bank’s current customers and further developing of the portfolio within wind turbine financing, medical practitioners and affluent customers.

The expectations for the core earnings for 2012 are in the DKK 300-400 million range. To this must be added the result of the bank's trading portfolio and possible expenses for the deposit guarantee scheme.


Main and key figures

  2011 2010 2009 2008 2007
Main figures for the bank (million DKK)          
Total core income 767 758 753 735 696
Total costs and depreciations -248 -240 -238 -239 -234
Core earnings before write-downs on loans 519 518 515 496 462
Write-downs on loans etc. -129 -138 -159 -77 +11
Core earnings 390 380 356 419 473
Result for portfolio +1 +38 +56 -73 -18
Costs bank package I and Deposit Guarantee Fund -11 -80 -107 -28 0
Profit before tax 380 338 305 318 455
Profit after tax 286 257 232 240 348
Shareholders’ equity 2,483 2,312 2,056 1,785 1,779
Total capital base 2,818 2,943 2,747 2,458 2,110
Deposits 12,755 11,662 11,187 9,073 9,162
Loans 12,747 13,151 13,047 13,897 14,135
Balance sheet total 17,549 18,247 17,928 18,002 19,634
Guarantees 1,052 1,042 1,486 2,386 4,804
Key figures for the bank (per cent)          
Pre-tax return on equity, beginning of year 16.9 16.5 17.1 19.6 29.3
Return on equity after tax, beginning of year 12.7 12.5 13.0 14.7 22.4
Rate of costs 32.4 31.6 31.6 32.4 33.7
Core capital ratio 19.8 18.6 16.6 13.0 11.2
Solvency ratio 21.4 22.4 20.2 16.3 13.0
Key figures per 5 DKK share (DKK)          
Core earnings 79 75 71 83 94
Profit before tax 77 67 60 63 90
Profit after tax 58 51 46 48 69
Net asset value 489 459 408 354 353
Price, end of period 579 725 609 310 858
Dividend 13 12 0 0 30

Profit and loss account

Note 1.1 - 31.12 2011
DKK 1,000
1.1 - 31.12 2010
DKK 1,000
1 Interest receivable 858,257 836,339
2 Interest payable 245,291 241,954
  Net income from interest 612,966 594,385
3 Dividend on capital shares etc. 1,111 1,219
4 Income from fees and commissions 158,303 170,389
4 Fees and commissions paid 24,312 25,996
  Net income from interest and fees 748,068 739,997
5 Value adjustments +16,386 +52,159
  Other operating income 4,535 3,893
6,7 Staff and administration costs 244,068 236,374
  Amortisation, depreciation and write-downs on
intangible and tangible assets
4,375 3,219
  Other operating costs    
      Miscellaneous other operating costs 381 195
      Costs bank package I and Deposit Guarantee Fund 11,178 46,590
  Write-downs on loans and debtors etc.    
11     Write-downs on loans and debtors -128,799 -138,217
      Write-downs on national bank package I etc. 0 -33,152
  Result of capital shares in associated companies +11 +14
  Profit before tax 380,199 338,316
8 Tax 94,128 81,443
  Profit after tax 286,071 256,873
  Other comprehensive income 0 0
  Comprehensive income after tax 286,071 256.873



Proposed distribution of profit

  Total available 286,071 256,873
  Dividend 65,520 60,480
  Other purposes 500 500
  Transferred to reserve for net revaluation under the intrinsic value method +11 +14
  Appropriation to own funds 220,040 195,879
  Total distribution 286,071 256,873



Core earnings

  1.1 - 31.12 2011
DKK 1,000
1.1 - 31.12 2010
DKK 1,000
Net income from interest 606,576 583,398
Net income from fees and provisions excl. commission 115,200 118,145
Income from sector shares 4,437 3,931
Foreign exchange income 17,914 22,440
Other operating income etc. 4,535 3,893
Total core income excl. trade income 748,662 731,807
Trade income 18,791 26,248
Total core income 767,453 758,055
Staff and administration costs 244,068 236,374
Amortisation, depreciation and write-downs on
intangible and tangible assets
4,375 3,219
Other operating costs 381 195
Total costs etc. 248,824 239,788
Core earnings before write-downs on loans 518,629 518,267
Write-downs on loans and debtors -128,799 -138,217
Core earnings 389,830 380,050
Result for portfolio +1,547 +38,008
Costs bank package I and Deposit Guarantee Fund -11,178 -79,742
Profit before tax 380,199 338,316
Tax 94,128 81,443
Profit for after tax 286,071 256,873



Balance sheet

Note End Dec. 2011
DKK 1,000
End Dec. 2010
DKK 1,000
  Cash in hand and claims at call on central banks 33,935 59,597
9 Claims on credit institutions and central banks    
     Claims at notice on central banks 186,989 1,329,844
     Money market operations and bilateral loans
   - term to maturity under 1 year
536,453 1,063,528
     Bilateral loans - term to maturity over 1 year 590,876 261,335
10,11,12 Loans and other debtors at amortised cost price 12,746,560 13,151,216
     Loans and other debtors at amortised cost price 11,938,197 12,326,328
     Wind turbine loans with direct funding 808,363 824,888
13 Bonds at current value 2,755,912 1,546,282
14 Shares etc. 249,054 257,253
  Capital shares in associated companies 538 527
  Land and buildings total 74,722 75,662
     Investment properties 6,681 7,261
     Domicile properties 68,041 68,401
  Other tangible assets 4,893 4,430
  Actual tax assets 12,255 20,827
  Temporary assets 1,382 150
  Other assets 348,567 469,600
  Periodic-defined items 6,887 6,953
  Total assets 17,549,023 18,247,204



Balance sheet

Note End Dec. 2011
DKK 1,000
End Dec. 2010
DKK 1,000
  Liabilities and equity    
15 Debt to credit institutions and central banks    
     Debt to central banks 0 0
     Money market operations and bilateral credits
   - term to maturity under 1 year
285,028 636,326
     Bilateral credits - term to maturity over 1 year 148,684 1,170,976
     Bilateral credits from KfW Bankengruppe 808,363 824,888
16 Deposits and other debts 12,755,415 11,661,654
17 Issued bonds at amortised cost price 338,958 337,617
  Other liabilities 301,813 592,871
  Periodic-defined items 183 282
  Total debt 14,638,444 15,224,614
  Provisions for pensions and similar liabilities 5,146 5,858
  Provisions for deferred tax 4,789 3,929
11 Provisions for losses on guarantees 5,038 1,383
  Other provisions for liabilities 0 2,077
  Total provisions for liabilities 14,973 13,247
  Subordinated loan capital 198,014 488,882
  Hybrid core capital 214,472 208,117
18 Total subordinated debt 412,486 696,999
19 Share capital 25,200 25,200
  Reserve for net revaluation under the intrinsic value method 187 176
  Proposed dividend etc. 66,020 60,980
  Profit carried forward 2,391,713 2,225,988
  Total shareholders’ equity 2,483,120 2,312,344
  Total liabilities and equity 17,549,023 18,247,204
21 Contingent liabilities etc.    
22 Capital adequacy computation    
23 Miscellaneous comments    


Statement of shareholders’ equity

DKK 1,000
Share capital Reserve for net revaluation under the intrinsic value method Proposed
dividend etc.
carried forward
Total share-holders’
Shareholders’ equity at
the end of the previous
financial year
25,200 162 0 2,030,411 2,055,773
Dividend etc. paid         0
Dividend received on own shares         0
Shareholders’ equity after allocation of dividend etc. 25,200 162 0 2,030,411 2,055,773
Purchase and sale of own shares       -3,595 -3,595
Other shareholders’ equity items       3,293 3,293
Profit for the financial year   14 60,980 195,879 256,873
Shareholders’ equity on  the balance sheet date 25,200 176 60,980 2,225,988 2,312,344


DKK 1,000
Share capital Reserve for net revaluation under the intrinsic value method Proposed
dividend etc.
carried forward
Total share-holders’
Shareholders’ equity at
the end of the previous financial year
25,200 176 60,980 2,225,988 2,312,344
Dividend etc. paid     -60,980   -60,980
Dividend received on own shares       168 168
Shareholders’ equity after allocation of dividend etc. 25,200 176 0 2,226,156 2,251,532
Purchase and sale of own shares       -58.391 -58,391
Other shareholders’ equity items       3,908 3,908
Profit for the financial year   11 66,020 220,040 286,071
Shareholders’ equity on  the balance sheet date 25,200 187 66,020 2,391,713 2,483,120


Note 1.1 - 31.12 2011
DKK 1,000
1.1 - 31.12 2010
DKK 1,000
1 Interest receivable    
  Claims on credit institutions and central banks 38,712 37,150
  Loans and other debtors 775,891 748,211
  Loans - interest concerning the written-down part of loans -35,740 -29,221
  Bonds 58,993 47,905
  Total derivatives financial instruments, 20,069 31,080
  of which    
     Currency contracts 9,205 13,537
     Interest-rate contracts 10,864 17,543
  Other interest receivable 332 1,214
  Total interest receivable 858,257 836,339
2 Interest payable    
  Credit institutions and central banks 44,311 45,468
  Deposits and other debts 169,174 146,978
  Issued bonds 12,887 21,252
  Subordinated debt 18,605 28,049
  Other interest payable 314 207
  Total interest payable 245,291 241,954
3 Dividend from shares etc.    
  Shares 1,111 1,219
  Total dividend from shares etc. 1,111 1,219
4 Gross income from fees and commissions    
  Securities trading 24,117 34,812
  Asset management 53,997 56,624
  Payment handling 19,679 19,170
  Loan fees 7,817 9,985
  Guarantee commissions 34,898 31,270
  Other fees and commissions 17,795 18,528
  Total gross income from fees and commissions 158,303 170,389
  Net income from fees and commissions    
  Securities trading 18,791 26,248
  Asset management 49,887 52,068
  Payment handling 17,618 16,816
  Loan fees 6,052 7,728
  Guarantee commissions 34,898 31,270
  Other fees and commissions 6,745 10,263
  Total net income from fees and commissions 133,991 144,393
  Foreign exchange income 17,914 22,440
  Total net income from fees, commissions and foreign exchange income 151,905 166,833


Note 1.1 - 31.12 2011
DKK 1,000
1.1 - 31.12 2010
DKK 1,000
5 Value adjustments    
  Loans and other debtors at current value 6,746 4,336
  Bonds 2,619 34,044
  Shares etc. -4,956 2,702
  Shares in sector companies etc. 3,680 2,853
  Investment properties -579 0
  Foreign exchange income 17,914 22,440
  Total derivatives financial instruments, -10,050 -11,334
     of which    
     Interest-rate contracts -10,050 -11,333
     Share contracts 0 -1
  Issued bonds -744 -965
  Other liabilities 1,756 -1,917
  Total value adjustments 16,386 52,159
6 Staff and administration costs    
  Salaries and payments to the board of managers, board of directors and shareholders’ committee    
     Board of managers 7,237 6,946
     Reversed provision for pensions 0 -919
     Board of directors 1,049 828
     Shareholders’ committee 336 331
     Total 8,622 7,186
  Staff costs    
     Salaries 111,030 109,878
     Pensions 11,522 11,320
     Social security expenses 900 790
     Costs depending on number of staff 14,719 11,962
     Total 138,171 133,950
  Other administration costs 97,275 95,238
  Total staff and administration costs 244,068 236,374
7 Number of employees    
  Average number of employees during the financial year converted into full-time employees 252 254
8 Tax    
  Tax calculated on the years profit 93,159 83,055
  Adjustment of deferred tax 860 -1,159
  Adjustment of tax calculated for previous years 109 -453
  Total tax 94,128 81,443
  Effective tax rate (percent):    
  The current tax rate of the bank 25.0 25.0
  Adjustment of tax for non-liable income and
non-deductible costs
-0.5 -0.8
  Adjustment of tax calculated for previous years 0.0 -0.1
  Total effective tax rate 24.5 24.1




Note   End Dec. 2011
DKK 1,000
End Dec. 2010 DKK 1,000
9 Claims on credit institutions and central banks    
  Claims at call 17,910 303,528
  Up to and including 3 months 661,989 1,429,844
  More than 3 months and up to and including 1 year 43,543 660,000
  More than 1 year and up to and including 5 years 590,876 261,335
  More than 5 years 0 0
  Total claims on credit institutions and central banks 1,314,318 2,654,707
10 Loans and other debtors at amortised cost price    
  At call 2,689,793 3,528,048
  Up to and including 3 months 476,999 585,341
  More than 3 months and up to and including 1 year 2,016,455 1,961,971
  More than 1 year and up to and including 5 years 3,666,432 4,065,526
  More than 5 years 3,896,881 3,010,330
  Total loans and other debtors at amortised cost price 12,746,560 13,151,216
11 Write-downs on loans and other debtors and provisions for losses on guarantees    
  Individual write-downs    
  Cumulative individual write-downs on loans and other debtors at the end of the previous financial year 532,441 424,517
  Write-downs/value adjustments during the year 205,130 289,432
  Reverse entry - write-downs made in previous financial years -110,870 -120,381
  Booked losses covered by write-downs -49,349 -61,127
  Cumulative individual write-downs on loans and other debtors on the balance sheet date 577,352 532,441
  Group write-downs    
  Cumulative group write-downs on loans and other debtors at the end of the previous financial year 31,211 41,132
  Write-downs/value adjustments during the period 36,255 0
  Reverse entry - write-downs made in previous financial years 0 -9,921
  Cumulative group write-downs on loans and other debtors on the balance sheet date 67,466 31,211
  Total cumulative write-downs on loans and other debtors on the balance sheet date 644,818 563,652
  Provisions for losses on guarantees    
  Cumulative individual provisions for losses on guarantees at the end of the previous financial year 1,383 1,376
  Provisions/value adjustments during the period 4,605 1,000
  Reverse entry - provisions made in previous financial years -885 -993
  Booked losses covered by write-downs -65 0
  Cumulative individual provisions for losses on guarantees on the balance sheet date 5,038 1,383
  Total cumulative write-downs on loans and other debtors and provisions for losses on guarantees on the balance sheet date 649,856 565,035


Note   End Dec. 2011
DKK 1,000
End Dec. 2010 DKK 1,000
12 Suspended calculation of interest    
  Loans and other debtors with suspended calculation of
interest on the balance sheet date
61,419 66,237
13 Bonds at current value    
  Listed on the stock exchange 2,755,912 1,546,282
  Total bonds at current value 2,755,912 1,546,282
14 Shares etc,    
  Listed on NASDAQ OMX Copenhagen 12,033 25,267
  Unlisted shares at current value 1,460 1,490
  Sector shares at current value 214,583 209,086
  Other holdings 20,978 21,410
  Total shares etc. 249,054 257,253
15 Debt to credit institutions and central banks    
  Debt payable on demand 210,686 520,010
  Up to and including 3 months 26,619 27,169
  More than 3 months and up to and including 1 year 150,127 184,789
  More than 1 year and up to and including 5 years 583,111 1,570,313
  More than 5 years 271,532 329,909
  Total debt to credit institutions and central banks 1,242,075 2,632,190
  The bank has undrawn long-term committed revolving credit facilities equivalent to 174,342 770,896
16 Deposits and other debts    
  On demand 6,372,268 5,755,406
  Deposits and other debts at notice:    
  Up to and including 3 months 2,166,283 2,058,207
  More than 3 months and up to and including 1 year 1,175,194 832,457
  More than 1 year and up to and including 5 years 1,561,041 1,600,801
  More than 5 years 1,480,629 1,414,783
  Total deposits and other debts 12,755,415 11,661,654
  Distributed as follows:    
  On demand 5,822,693 5,582,938
  At notice 146,889 131,139
  Time deposits 3,740,496 2,925,948
  Long term deposit agreements 1,805,129 1,860,570
  Special types of deposits 1,240,208 1,161,059
    12,755,415 11,661,654




Note   End Dec, 2011
DKK 1,000
End Dec, 2010 DKK 1,000
17 Issued bonds at amortised cost price    
  On demand 0 0
  Up to and including 3 months 2,955 0
  More than 3 months and up to and including 1 year 0 0
  More than 1 year and up to and including 5 years 336,003 337,617
  More than 5 years 0 0
  Total issued bonds at amortised cost price 338,958 337,617
  Distributed as follows:
Issues in Danish kroner
  Nom, 220 million DKK
220,000 220,000
  Issues in Norwegian kroner    
    Nom, 100 million NOK 95,880 95,340
    Regulation at amortised cost price and adjustment to
  current value of issues
9,241 8,440
  Other issues 13,837 13,837
    338,958 337,617
18 Subordinated debt    
  Subordinated loan capital:    
     3.995% bond loan, nom, DKK 300 million,
   expiry 9.2.2014 (early redemption)
0 300,000
     Floating rate loan, principal EUR 27 million, expiry
200,723 201,269
  Hybrid core capital:    
     4.795% bond loan, nom, DKK 200 million,
   indefinite term
200,000 200,000
  Regulation at amortised cost price and adjustment to current value of subordinated loan capital and hybrid core capital 11,763 5,424
  Own holding of subordinated loan capital 0 -9,694
  Total subordinated debt 412,486 696,999
19 Share capital    
  Number of shares at DKK 5 each:    
  Beginning of period 5,040,000 5,040,000
  End of period 5,040,000 5,040,000
     Reserved for subsequent cancellation 100,000 0
  Total share capital 25,200 25,200
20 Own capital shares    
  Own capital shares included in the balance sheet at 0 0
  The market value is 58,395 6,900
  Number of own shares:    
  Beginning of year 9,517 8,572
  Net purchases and sales of own shares during the year 91,338 945
  End of year 100,855 9,517
  Nominal value of holding of own shares, end of year 504 48
  Own shares’ proportion of share capital, end of year (%) 2.0 0.2



Note   End Dec, 2011
DKK 1,000
End Dec, 2010 DKK 1,000
21 Contingent liabilities etc,    
  Contingent liabilities    
  Finance guarantees 653,353 668,504
  Guarantees for foreign loans 5,576 8,602
  Guarantees against losses on mortgage credit loans 50,138 44,098
  Guarantees against losses Totalkredit 118,540 112,585
  Registration and conversion guarantees 55,361 82,614
  Sector guarantees 39,413 37,290
  Other contingent liabilities 129,841 88,290
  Total contingent liabilities 1,052,222 1,041,983
  First mortgage loans were provided for German wind turbine projects. The loans are funded directly by KfW Bankengruppe, to which security in the associated loans has been provided. Each reduction of the first mortgage loans is deducted directly from the funding at the KfW Bankengruppe. 808,363 824,888
  As security for clearing and any debt, the bank has pledged bonds from its total holding to the Central Bank of Denmark to a total market price of 269,005 468,198
22 Capital adequacy computation    
  Computed pursuant to the Executive order on Capital Adequacy issued by the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority.    
  Weighted items with credit and counterpart risks 11,041,407 11,110,261
  Market risk 750,457 714,897
  Operational risk 1,396,138 1,322,788
  Total risk weighted items 13,188,002 13,147,946
  Share capital 25,200 25,200
  Reserve for net revaluation under the intrinsic value method 187 176
  Profit carried forward 2,457,733 2,286,968
  Core capital 2,483,120 2,312,344
  Proposed dividend etc. -66,020 -60,980
  Deduction from / addition to the core capital -187 -176
  Core capital after deductions 2,416,913 2,251,188
  Hybrid core capital 200,000 200,000
  Core capital after deductions incl. hybrid core capital 2,616,913 2,451,188
  Subordinated loan capital 200,723 491,575
  Deduction from  / addition to the capital base 187 176
  Capital base after deductions 2,817,823 2,942,939
  Core capital ratio excl. hybrid core capital (per cent) 18.3 17.1
  Core capital ratio (per cent) 19.8 18.6
  Solvency ratio (per cent) 21.4 22.4
  Capital base requirements under Section 124 (2,1) of the Danish Financial Business Act 1,055,040 1,051,836



23 Miscellaneous comments on:
Main and key figures for the bank and key figures per DKK 5 share - page 7
·         Total capital base is computed as the banks capital base after deduction, cf. note 22.
·         Return on equity at the beginning of the year before and after tax are computed after allocation of dividend etc., net.
·         Key figures per DKK 5 share are calculated on the basis of respectively 2011: 4,940,000 shares, 2007-2010: 5,040,000 shares.
Core earnings - pages 1 and 3
  • The comparative figures for the years 2002-2005 have not been adjusted for the change made in 2007 from actual banking operations to core earnings.
Write-downs - pages 1 and 2
  • All calculations etc. concerning write-downs were made exclusive of amounts under the national bank package I etc.



Danish Financial Supervisory Authority key figures
for Danish banks

   2011 2010 2009 2008 2007
Solvency ratio % 21.4 22.4 20.2 16.3 13.0
Core capital ratio % 19.8 18.6 16.6 13.0 11.2
Pre-tax return on equity % 15.9 15.5 15.9 17.9 26.1
Return on equity after tax % 11.9 11.8 12.1 13.5 20.0
Income/cost ratio DKK 1.98 1.74 1.61 1.93 3.04
Interest rate risk % 0.7 0.1 0.6 1.2 1.0
Foreign exchange position % 0.9 0.5 3.4 5.6 2.1
Foreign exchange risk % 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0
Excess cover relative to statutory liquidity
% 140.5 231.8 205.6 139.1 161.4
Loans and write-downs thereon relative to
% 105.0 117.6 120.8 157.1 157.4
Loans relative to shareholders’ equity   5.1 5.7 6.3 7.8 7.9
Growth in loans for the year % -3.1 0.8 -6.1 -1.7 10.8
Total large exposures % 41.7 10.2 0.0 12.1 38.3
Cumulative write-down percentage % 4.5 3.8 3.1 2.1 1.5
Write-down percentage for the year % 0.89 0.94 1.16 0.48 -0.06
Proportion of debtors at reduced interest % 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.1 0.1
Result for the year after tax per share * / *** DKK 1,146.6 1,019.3 921.0 933.8 1,324.4
Book value per share * / ** DKK 10,055 9,193 8,172 7,382 7,053
Dividend per share * DKK 262 240 0 0 600
Price/result for the year per share * / ***   10.1 14.3 13.2 6.6 13.0
Price/book value per share * / **   1.15 1.58 1.49 0.84 2.43
*        Calculated on the basis of a denomination of DKK 100 per share.
**       Calculated on the basis of number of shares outstanding at the end of the year.
***      Calculated on the basis of the average number of shares.

