AS „Olaines kūdra” trading under surveillance

NASDAQ OMX Riga Management Board on its meeting of February 13, 2012, applied surveillance status to AS "Olaines kūdra".

NASDAQ OMX Riga Listing and Disclosure rules Article 20.1.2, Subarticle 7, stipulates that the Issuer shall be placed on surveillance status if in the next six (6) months it is planned to perform activities in the result of which the financial instruments of the Issuer would be delisted.

On February 13, 2012 AS "Olaines kūdra" published an information on the convocation of the extraordinary general meeting that will be held on March 15, 2012 and in which it is planned to decide on the exclusion of the AS "Olaines kūdra" shares from the regulated market.

The purpose of assigning surveillance status is to alert the market participants.

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