TDC A/S - Share Buy-Back Program

On 6 February 2012 TDC initiated a share buy-back program in accordance with the European Commission’s regulation no. 2273/2003 of 22 December 2003 (the so-called safe harbour regulation).


Under the program TDC will buy-back shares for an amount of up to DKK 750,000,000 in the period from 6 February 2012 to 31 December 2012.


Since 6 February 2012 the following transactions have been made under the program:



                              Date                       Number of shares                             Average price
            Transaction value (DKK)
6 February 363,510 44.4757 16,167,362
7 February 363,510 44.4570 16,160,564
8 February 363,510 44.8366 16,298,552
9 February 363,510 44.7558 16,269,181
10 February 363,510 44.9636 16,344,718
Accumulated under the program 1,817,550   81,240,377


With the above mentioned purchases, TDC holds 10,184,671 treasury shares, corresponding to 1.23% of the issued share capital.  The total issued share capital is DKK 825,000,000.

         TDC A/S
         Teglholmsgade 3
         0900 Copenhagen C
