Construction contract

Tallinn, Estonia, 2012-02-20 15:30 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --

On 17 February 2012 Merko Ehitus Eesti AS, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Merko Ehitus AS, and Alstom Estonia AS entered into a contract to perform general construction works pertaining to the construction of the new 300MW CFB thermal power plant of Eesti Energia Narva Elektrijaamad AS in Vaivara municipality, Ida-Viru County. The contract of Merko Ehitus Eesti mostly includes large-scale earthworks and reinforced concrete works with a number of other general construction works.

The contract value is circa 17.3 million euros without VAT and the major part of general construction works shall be completed by July 2013.

Marko Pern
+372 6 805 130