Annual report 2011: Hartmann creates value

2011 was a good year for Hartmann. The year was characterised by major changes
inside the organisation. Hartmann's management focused on building a stronger
and more dynamic organisation to drive future efforts. Hartmann's financial
performance for 2011 was highly positive, and the company met its expectations
for the year in spite of the volatility and uncertainty that prevailed in the
global economy. In 2012, Hartmann will continue its efforts to enhance its
competitive strength and build a strong platform for growth.

CEO Michael Rohde Pedersen on the developments in 2011:

"During the year, we were pleased to see our positive operational and financial
performance attract further interest among investors and other stakeholders who
believe we can deliver value both in the short and the long term. We have
created a financially and organisationally strong platform for the next steps of
Hartmann's strategy, and we will continue our positive development and generate
even better results in the years ahead."

Michael Rohde Pedersen on Hartmann's outlook:

"The implementation of the first phase of our "Competitive edge - driving
growth" strategy has demonstrated that Hartmann has vast potential, and that we
have set the right course for the company's development for the years ahead. In
2012, we will continue our efforts to build a stronger and more efficient
business, enabling us to achieve a profit margin of 7.5-9% this year and groom
Hartmann for growth during the period 2013-2015."

For additional information, please contact:

Michael Rohde Pedersen
Tel.: (+45) 45 97 00 33


  * In 2011, Hartmann reported revenue of DKK 1,488 million (2010: DKK 1,483
    million), operating profit of DKK 124 million (2010: DKK 73 million) and a
    profit margin of 8.3% (2010: 4.9%)
  * The Board of Directors proposes dividends of DKK 9.25 per share (2010: DKK
    2.25 per share), corresponding to 85% of the profit for the year
  * Hartmann initiated and implemented a number of strategic and operational
    initiatives during the first phase of its "Competitive edge - driving
    growth" strategy
  * In 2012, Hartmann's revenue is expected to be in line with its 2011 revenue,
    and its profit margin is expected to be 7.5-9%

