Company Announcement No. 28, 2012. - Addendum to Base Prospectus of 14. April 2011

Company Announcement No. 28, 2012. - Addendum to Base Prospectus of 14. April

The ISIN below closes extraordinarily:

Callable adjustable-rate (EURIBOR) annuity bonds

ISIN code     Nom       Name    Opening     Closing     Maturity    Currency
              interest          date        date        date

DK0002017078  adj 2018  Nordea  11/10-2007  09/03-2012  01/01-2018  EUR

Reference is otherwise made to the entire Base Prospectus of 14 April 2011
including the final terms for the ISIN in question.

Questions can be directed to Peter Brag on phone no. +45 3333 1663 or Kamilla
Skytte on phone
no. +45 3333 1626

Yours faithfully
Nordea Kredit Realkreditaktieselskab
