Geveko divests the subsidiary Cleanosol Polska Spz.o.o.

Geveko divests the subsidiary Cleanosol Polska Spz.o.o.

The Board decided and informed in December 2011 that divestment of contracting
businesses, among others the Polish company, which are incurring losses will be
carried through in 2012.

Geveko acquired the Polish contracting company in 2007. The Polish market then
was considered to be one of the highest growing markets within the road marking
business with budgeted investments in several major road projects. Government
financial problems in Poland and consequently stalled road construction has
affected the road marking sector very negative. Losses in the subsidiary
Cleanosol Polska 2009-2011 amount to over SKr 100 million. ‘Turnover in
Cleanosol Polska represents approximately 2% of Group total turnover. Geveko has
continually taken structural measures to adjust the cost base of the Polish
subsidiary, but without the anticipated effect due to the difficult market

After the decision to divest the Polish company Geveko has contacted potential
buyers, however without a positive result. Geveko has decided not to contribute
with additional funds, why Cleansol Polska has submitted application for

Göteborg, Sweden March 12, 2012

For further information:
Stefan Tilk, CEO and Managing Director
Phone: +46 31 172945, Mobile 0702 499 419

AB GEVEKO (plc) Co Reg. No.: 556024-6844
P.O. Box 2137, SE-403 13 Göteborg, Sweden, Phone +46 31 172945
