Marel – Top 20 Shareholders

The following list shows the 20 largest shareholders in Marel hf. as at end of trading on 20 March. The list reflects the transactions relating to the 5% share held by Landsbankinn, which was sold in an offering on 13 and 14 March.

Name                                              No. of shares     %

Eyrir Invest ehf.                              243.366.838        33,09

Grundtvig Invest ApS                       61.673.494          8,38

Lífeyrissjóður verslunarmanna        50.090.932          6,81

Columbia Acorn International          35.982.499          4,89

Lífeyrissjóðir Bankastræti 7             30.000.000          4,08

Gildi -lífeyrissjóður                           26.439.331          3,59

Stafir lífeyrissjóður                           17.953.664          2,44

Sameinaði lífeyrissjóðurinn             17.122.328          2,33

Landsbankinn hf.                             15.473.620          2,10

Stefnir - ÍS 5                                     13.398.189          1,82

Stefnir - ÍS 15                                   12.713.673          1,73

Festa - lífeyrissjóður                         11.754.305         1,60

Columbia Acorn Fund                       10.000.000         1,36

Marel hf. – eigin bréf                            9.225.000         1,25

Lífeyrissjóður starfsm sveitarfélaga    8.127.127         1,10

Ingunn Sigurðardóttir                           6.884.378         0,94

Úrvalsbréf Landsbankans                   6.481.287          0,88

Helga Sigurðardóttir                             5.831.030         0,79

Súsanna Sigurðardóttir                        5.791.055         0,79

Íslandssjóðir hf - Úrval innlendir           5.073.028         0,69

20 largest in total                           593.381.778        80,66


The total number of Marel shareholders is currently 2,146 which represents an increase of approx. 350 from the beginning of the year. The free float of the company‘s shares is currently estimated at about 65%.