PC “Lithuanian shipping company” the drafts resolutions of the general meeting of the shareholders on 04 April, 2012:

Klaipeda, Lithuania, 2012-03-23 17:11 CET (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --  


PC “Lithuanian shipping company" the drafts  resolutions of the general meeting of the shareholders on 04 April, 2012:


  1. The Annual report of the PC “Lithuanian shipping company” for the year 2011 is heard.
  2. Independent Auditor’s resolution is heard.
  3. The company financial statements as of 31 December 2011 are approved. In accordance with the financial statements the company assets on December 31, 2011 – 213.854 thousands LTL (61. 936 thousands EUR), authorized capital – 200 901 thousands LTL  (58 185 thousands EUR), own capital – 135.440 thousands LTL  (39. 226 thousands EUR), net loss of the financial year – 27.610 thousands LTL (-7.996 thousands EUR).  
  4. It has been resolved to approve the profit (loss) distribution:


No.   Profit (loss) distribution
1. Profit (loss) brought forward at the beginning of the reporting financial year -37.850.839 (10.962.361)
2. Net profit of the reporting financial year
3. Profit to be appropriated of the end of reporting financial year
-65.460.880 (-18.958.781)
4. Transfers from reserve’s
5. Profit to be appropriated in total 0
6. Profit to be appropriated  
  Profit appropriated to next reserves:  
6.1 To legal 0
6.2 To for premium pay to the employees 0
6.3 To social-cultural needs 0
6.4 To other reserves:  
6.4.1 To investments 0
6.5 To dividend payment 0
6.6 Unappropriate profit brought forward to the next year  
-65.460.880 (-18.958.781)


5.To recall and elect members of the PC “ Lithuanian shipping company” Supervisory Board.



Arvydas Stropus

Chief accountant

Ph.: (370 46)  393 126


