Metro International: Notification of Change in Shareholding

Metro  International  ("Metro"),  the  world's  largest international newspaper,
hereby  announces in accordance with the "Law of 11 January 2008 on transparency
requirements  for issuers  of securities",  where Luxembourg  is the home Member
State (the "Transparency Law"), a change in shareholding.

Please  be notified  that Investment  AB Kinnevik  (publ) (as controlling parent
company  for its own voting  rights consolidated with the  voting rights held by
its  subsidiaries, Emesco AB and Kinnevik Media Holding AB on its own behalf and
on  behalf  of  Kinnevik  Media  Holding  AB)  on  29 March 2012 has changed its
shareholding  in Metro International S.A. to a  level above the threshold of 66
percent  (2/3)  of  total  number  of  voting  rights.  Investment AB Kinnevik's
shareholding  thereafter amounts  to 235,734,323 SDR's  representing the Class A
share  and 239,920,908 representing  the Class  B share.  This is  equivalent to
89.13 percent  of  the  total  number  of  voting  rights.  Before the mentioned
transaction,  Investment  AB  Kinnevik  owned 112,122,785 SDR's representing the
Class A share and 133,798,591 SDR's representing the Class B share, amounting to
42.39 percent of the voting rights.

Please  also be notified that the 4(th) AP Fund on 21 March 2012 has changed its
shareholding  in Metro International S.A. to a level falling below the threshold
of  5 percent of  total number  of voting  rights. 4(th) AP  Fund's shareholding
thereafter   amounts   to   zero.  Before  22 March  2012, 4(th) AP  Fund  owned
15,782,822 SDR's representing the Class A share and 5,022,499 SDR's representing
the Class B share, which amounted to 5.97 percent of the voting rights.

For further information please visit or contact:

Anders Kronborg CFO Tel: +44 79 1254 0800


Metro is the largest international newspaper in the world. Metro is published in
over 100 major cities in 22 countries across Europe, North & South America and
Asia. Metro has a unique global reach - attracting a young, active, well-
educated Metropolitan audience of over 17 million daily readers.

Metro International S.A. shares are listed on Nasdaq OMX Stockholm through
Swedish Depository Receipts of series A and series B under the symbols MTROA and

