Draft resolutions of regular meeting of shareholders

 1. Reports of the Board and of the Council.

-To accept for information reports of the Board and the Council of the JSC „Rīgas juvelierizstrādājumu rūpnīca”.

2. Approval of the 2011 annual account.

- To approve annual account for 2011of the JSC “Rīgas juvelierizstrādājumu rūpnīca”.

3. Distribution of profit for the year 2011.

- To distribute the profit of JSC „Rīgas juvelierizstrādājumu rūpnīca” for the year 2011 as amounting to LVL 39 654 to defray the losses of the previous year.

4. Election of auditor and determination of the remuneration for auditor.

-To elect certified auditor Aivars Rutkis (certificate No.18) to officiate as auditor of the JSC “Rīgas juvelierizstrādājumu rūpnīca” in 2012

-To establish remuneration to the Auditor of the JSC “Rīgas juvelierizstrādājumu rūpnīca” for performance of duties in the auditor’s office during 2012 as amounting to LVL 732,00.

5. Election of the Council and determination of the remuneration for the Council.

- To elect as members of the JSC “ Rīgas juvelierizstrādājumu rūpnīca” Council


- To establish remuneration to members of the JSC “ Rīgas juvelierizstrādājumu rūpnīca” Council for performance of duties in the office amounting to LVL 25 per one attendance in meeting of the Council.


* Candidates of members of the Council are not nominated yet. They will be nominated during the meeting.