Traffic Statistics March 2012

Strong growth continues at Copenhagen Airport

The growth momentum continues at Copenhagen Airport as more than 1.9 million passengers passed through the airport in March. This was a 7.2% improvement on March 2011, bringing the year-to-date increase to 6.4%.

A total of 1,904,759 passengers travelled through Copenhagen Airport in March, marking the 12th consecutive monthly record. International and transfer traffic continue to be the growth drivers.

"Transfer traffic is increasing, thanks not least to Blue1’s use of Copenhagen Airport as its hub rather than Helsinki. The number of international passengers is also increasing steadily. The continuing growth means that we have been one of the fastest growing hub airports in Europe in the early months of this year, said Carsten Nørland, VP, Sales & Marketing for Copenhagen Airport.

In the first two months of the year, Copenhagen Airport grew at a faster rate than the hub airports at Frankfurt, London, Paris, Zurich, Munich and Berlin, while Amsterdam  grew by more than Copenhagen. In spite of the growing passenger numbers, there was a 1.3% decline in the number of take-offs and landings due to better load factors and larger aircraft.

London, Oslo and Stockholm remained the largest destinations out of Copenhagen, and the only change in the top 10 list of destinations as compared with March 2011 was Berlin ousting Zurich from the list.

