International Foundation for Research & Education on Depression to Promote Cost-Saving Solutions for Workplace Depression at World Health Care Congress

WASHINGTON, April 13, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- From April 16th to the 18th, 2012, the International Foundation for Research and Education on Depression (IFRED) will attend the World Health Care Congress (WHCC) to address economic issues and workplace solutions for the world's leading disability confronting our global economy — depression.

Tom Dean, IFRED Board President, said, "We're coming out of a global recession and health care costs are major issue hindering business and growth. The stigma associated with depression is the number one reason people are not getting treatment. IFRED is doing the tough job of convincing more businesses to help preempt this stigma, which will help the world recover and see greater economic improvement."


The International Foundation for Research & Education on Depression


Exhibit & Presentation on Business Solutions for Depression


Monday, April 16-18th, 2012


The World Health Care Congress

Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center

201 Waterfront Street, National Harbor, MD 20745

Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide, and the greatest health care cost to businesses. In fact, depression sometimes accounts for more than half of all medical dollars paid. At the WHCC, a summit that engages over 1,600 global health care, pharmaceutical and industry employer executives, IFRED will present statistics that show how businesses can implement depression intervention and treatment programs to significantly reduce health care costs.

IFRED is a 501(c)(3) organization whose primary purpose in to reduce and eventually eradicate the stigma associated with depression. Depression is treatable, yet fewer than 25 percent of those experiencing a major depressive episode receive treatment, primarily due to the stigma and negative imagery of depression. By "shining a positive light" on depression, we seek to positively "rebrand" and "reposition" with the sunflower, the color yellow, and the focus on Hope, to secure that someday 100% of depression patients are willing and able to seek the help they need.


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