Development of the Annual General Meeting on 20 April 2012

Company announcement No. 4/2012

Published via NASDAQ OMX on 20 April 2012



Nordic Tankers A/S held its annual general meeting today, Friday 20 April 2012, with agenda as per notice convening the annual general meeting dated 29 March 2012.


The Board of Directors’ proposal to sell the Company’s chemical tanker activities to Tribour AB was approved.


The 2011 Annual Report and the Board of Directors’ proposal how to cover losses according to the approved annual report were approved.


The general meeting discharged the Executive Management and the Board of Directors from their obligations.


As proposed by the Board of Directors, Knud Pontoppidan, Erik Bartnes, Mogens Buschard and Saravana Sivasankaran were re-elected and Kristian V. Mørch was elected to the Board of Directors. Jens Fehrn-Christensen, Sven Rosenmeyer Paulsen and Henrik Lund Dal resigned from the Board of Directors.


PricewaterhouseCoopers, Statsautoriseret Revisionspartnerselskab were elected as auditors for the Company.


The Board of Directors was authorized to let the Company acquire up to 10% of the Company’s shares.


The Board of Directors’ proposed remuneration for 2012 was approved.


The Board of Directors’ proposal that the Company changes name from ”Nordic Tankers A/S” to ”Nordic Shipholding A/S” was approved.


At a subsequent Board Meeting Knud Pontoppidan was elected Chairman and Erik Bartnes was elected Deputy Chairman.



Copenhagen, 20 April 2012


Best regards

Knud Pontoppidan


