Endomines AB publishes complete exploration results for 2011

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Endomines AB publishes complete exploration results for 2011

Endomines  AB (the "Company")  is pleased to  report the final  results from the
exploration  campaign  undertaken  during  2011 along  the  Karelian  Gold  Line
("KGL"),  in the vicinity of the Pampalo mining area, in the Hosko, Rämepuro and
Korvilansuo areas, as well as the Porkonen area in Finnish Lapland. The Karelian
Gold  line is a  40 km long gold  critical Archean greenstone  belt located near
Ilomantsi,  Eastern Finland, where  Endomines controls all  currently known gold
deposits. All the properties drilled are fully owned by Endomines.

The  exploration drilling campaign along on  the Karelian Gold Line was designed
to  extend  and  verify  the  previously  known  gold mineralizations as well as
discovering  new targets  using low  altitude airborne  geophysical surveys. The
purpose  of the exploration program  carried out in on  the Porkonen area was to
verify  the local bedrock stratigraphy, and only consisted of two holes totaling
686.6 meters.

All  the  assays  from  the  drilling  campaign have now been analyzed. Complete
results       are       published       on       the      Company      web-site:
http://www.endomines.com/depositmap.php. with highlights below.

Pampalo:  The results derived from the  Pampalo mining area are of significance,
and  the mineralized zones   will be further explored by surface drilling during
the summer.

Rämepuro:  The deposit  has yielded  drill core  intercepts of  10.8 m @ 3.4 g/t
gold,  5.0m @ 3.4 g/t gold and 5.4 m @ 3.4 g/t gold.  The results are from a 14-
hole  core drill program, totaling 1,294 meters.  The drill program was designed
to  test the strike and depth extensions of identified mineralized zones outside
the  previous  open  pit  design  at  Rämepuro.  These  drilling results will be
included  in the new  revised resource and  reserve estimate, which is currently
being  prepared by Outotec  Oyj. Further exploration  drilling will be continued
during  the coming  summer, and  Rämepuro is  likely to  be the  first satellite
deposit for development on the Karelian Gold Line.

Korvilansuo:  The  first  diamond  drilling  results  at  the  newly  discovered
Korvilansuo  mineralization have yielded significant gold-bearing intersections,
including  a previously  reported intersection  of 3.1 g/t  gold over 28 m (true
width  not determined,  no top  cut has  been applied).  These drilling results,
together  with  the  geology  of  the  area  and  previous findings, support the
decision  by  Endomines  to  focus  its  forthcoming main exploration efforts at
Korvilansuo in addition to Rämepuro.

Hosko: The drilling campaign (653.7 m) carried out in 2011 on the Hosko deposit
resulted to intercepts of    17 m @ 1.7 g/t gold and 3.0 m @ 2.5 g/t gold. The
program consisting of five drill holes was designed to investigate previously
not-tested potentially mineralized parts along strike and towards the depth of
the gold-bearing zone. In most places, the gold mineralization continues along
predicted levels even if gold grades are not very high. Previous works have
shown that the mineralization at Hosko is often complex and erratic. This style
of mineralization is often referred to as "nuggetty", or possessing a high
nugget effect. It's obvious that further exploration, by using sampling methods
like RC-drilling (reverse circulation) and bulk sampling is needed once the
mineralization has been delineated by core drilling to enable an adequate
estimate of the gold grade at Hosko.

Pampalo  NW: Further  drilling (895.5  m) at  Pampalo NW  has yielded drill core
intercepts  of  11.5 m  @2.7  g/t  gold  and  3.1 m  @2.6  g/t  gold.   The gold
mineralization  could be followed in all  in strike-drilled holes. A new mineral
resource estimate will be available during the summer. An application for mining
license extension to cover the Pampalo NW area has been filed.

"The  exploration  results  from  last  summer's  campaign  have  confirmed  the
significant  potential for  gold deposits  along the  Karelian Gold  Line", says
Markus  Ekberg, Chief  Executive of  Endomines. "The  geophysical aerial surveys
discovered   several   new  drilling  targets.  The  diamond  drilling  results,
particularly at Korvilansuo, showed some significant gold bearing intersections.
With  the final assay results, we are  now preparing to start test-production at
Rämepuro in 2013".

For further information, please contact:
Markus Ekberg '
CEO of Endomines AB
tel. +358 40 706 48 50

or visit the Company's website at www.endomines.com

About Endomines AB:

Endomines AB is a Nordic mining and exploration company with its first operating
gold  mine in  production since  February 2011. The  mine is  located in Eastern
Finland,  on the  Karelian Gold  Line, a  40 km long  gold critical  belt, where
Endomines controls all currently known gold deposits.

The  company has several other gold and industrial mineral properties at various
stages  of development.  All Endomines'  mineral assets  are located in Finland,
which is politically stable, has a highly developed infrastructure and is ranked
as one of the most favorable jurisdictions for the mining industry.

Endomines  aims to increase shareholder value by developing its strong portfolio
of  assets, as well as  exploring new deposits on  the Karelian Gold Line and in
Finnish   Lapland.   The  company  will  also  consider  new  opportunities  and
acquisitions for further growth.

The  company's business practices and mining operations are based on sustainable
principles and on minimizing the impact on the environment.

Endomines  applies  SveMin's&FinnMin's  respective  rules  for reporting (public
mining  & exploration companies). It has also chosen to report mineral resources
and  ore  reserves  according  to  the  JORC-code,  which is the internationally
accepted Australasian code for reporting ore reserves and mineral resources.

Endomines applies International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) as approved
by the European Union.

The  shares of  Endomines AB  are quoted  on the  First North Premier segment in
Stockholm  under ticker  ENDO.ST. Erik  Penser Bankaktiebolag  acts as Certified
Adviser and Liquidity Provider.

Read more about Endomines on www.endomines.com


This  news release may contain  forward-looking statements, which address future
events and conditions, which are subject to various risks and uncertainties. The
Company's   actual   results,  programs  and  financial  position  could  differ
materially from those anticipated in such forward-looking statements as a result
of  numerous factors, some of  which may be beyond  the Company's control. These
factors  include:  the  availability  of  funds;  the timing and content of work
programs;   results   of  exploration  activities  and  development  of  mineral
properties,  the interpretation of  drilling results and  other geological data,
the  uncertainties of resource and reserve  estimations, receipt and security of
mineral  property  titles;  project  cost  overruns  or  unanticipated costs and
expenses,  fluctuations  in  metal  prices;  currency  fluctuations; and general
market and industry conditions.

Forward-looking  statements are  based on  the expectations  and opinions of the
Company's  management on the date the  statements are made. The assumptions used
in  the preparation  of such  statements, although  considered reasonable at the
time  of preparation,  may prove  to be  imprecise and,  as such, undue reliance
should not be placed on forward-looking statements.

