Source: QuiBids

More Auctions, More Variety: QuiBids Announces Global Auctions

OKLAHOMA CITY, April 24, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --, the world's leading entertainment auction website, is pleased to announce the debut of Global Auctions, which will enable QuiBids customers to bid on a wider variety of items, regardless of what country they're bidding from.

"The idea behind sharing our auctions internationally is to provide users in every country with more items and more product variety whenever they come to the site," said Matt Beckham, QuiBids' Chief Executive Officer. "Customers in the markets outside the U.S. are going to see hundreds and eventually thousands of more auctions a day, and domestic users will even see an increase too."

Because vendors don't always distribute internationally, users participating in Global Auctions will sometimes bid against each other for different yet similar prizes. For instance, where a U.S. QuiBids customer sees a $15 Walmart gift card, an Australian user may see an Amazon gift card of equal value in the Australian dollar (AUD).

QuiBids' unique Buy Now feature will — as always — be available in Global Auctions. Buy Now enables customers to purchase an item at the listed retail price, less any money they lost unsuccessfully bidding on it. "It's our way of making sure customers never have to walk away empty-handed," said Jill Farrand, QuiBids' Director of Public Relations.

The introduction of Global Auctions is just one of QuiBids' many ongoing efforts to increase the site's entertainment value while simultaneously offering more items and more variety. QuiBids is currently available in the U.S., Canada, Australia and the United Kingdom, with plans to expand into certain European markets in the next few months. Global Auctions are currently only available in the U.S., Canadian, and Australian markets.

About QuiBids:

QuiBids, pronounced ('kwi-bids') as in Quick Bids, is a fun and exciting auction website where you can win big ticket items at amazingly low prices. QuiBids began in July 2009 and has expanded with their improved internet auction model. QuiBids live auctions are more exciting, reliable and safer than other online auction websites. Based out of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, our primary goal is simple: We are dedicated to providing an exciting online auction model with better deals for the consumer than any other website online.

Be sure to follow QuiBids on Facebook and Twitter.

Contact Information
Jill Farrand
Ph: 405-253-3883

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